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[Help-smalltalk] [bug] smalltalk-mode.el not good with old syntax

From: Jeronimo Pellegrini
Subject: [Help-smalltalk] [bug] smalltalk-mode.el not good with old syntax
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 02:42:53 -0700

Issue status update for Post a follow up:

Project:      GNU Smalltalk
Version:      <none>
Component:    Base classes
Category:     bug reports
Priority:     normal
Assigned to:  Unassigned
Reported by:  jeronimo
Updated by:   jeronimo
Status:       active


I have some files that I created using the old syntax of GNU Smalltalk.
With GNU Smalltalk 3.0.1, I can't easily edit those files anymore.

The new command, smalltalk-bang, doesn't seem to work with files using
the old syntax.

A silly example:

!Object methodsFor: 'stuff'!

   "Newton method for swuare roots -- this is the iterating part."
   newtonIterate: n | newValue |
   newValue := 0.5 * (n + (self / n)).
   ( (n - newValue) abs < 0.00000001 )
       ifTrue:  [ ^newValue ]
       ifFalse: [ "newValue printNl." ^self newtonIterate: newValue ]

   "Newton method for square roots."
   (self < 0)
       ifTrue:  [ self error: 'Negative numbers have no square root!'
       ifFalse: [ ^self newtonIterate: self ] !

If you try hitting ! several times, you will notice that
it will both produce the bang on the text and go, sometimes to the end of the method, and sometimes somewhere inside a
string (if there is a ! inside the string).

Thank you,

PS: I assigned to component base classes because there is no "Emacs
interactor" option...

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