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[help-texinfo] Re: subversion manual in texinfo

From: reader
Subject: [help-texinfo] Re: subversion manual in texinfo
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 13:39:43 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1.50 (windows-nt)

Noah Slater <address@hidden> writes:

> # convert DocBook to Texinfo, will produce lots of warnings
> docbook2x-texi --string-param output-file=subversion book.xml

Thanks for the work on this Noah and the walk through showing all the

I do find the one reprinted above fails here and produces a zero
length subversion.texi.  I ran it through `tee' like this 
`2>&1|tee texi.log'

It appears somewhere up the chain I've done something wrong.  The
first few lines of texi.log:

   could not find ParserDetails.ini in
   docbook2texi://address@hidden'svn']: no description for directory entry

   section is too deep
   [...] hundreds more lines about `too deep'

Apparently I may be missing some perl tool that was expected..?

I notice the tool I have from installing docbook2X are named slightly
different from yours... maybe that means they are different in some

Mine actually installs as `' so as not to clobber tools
with similar names from an earlier sgml package with similar named
tools. (I don't have that installed)

I doubt texi.log will be very usefull but maybe the book.xml that came
from the first cmds will be.  At any rate I've posted them both here:

In case they might be.

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