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implicit links

From: Dr. Erich Ruff
Subject: implicit links
Date: Tue, 18 May 2021 10:03:33 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.4; emacs 27.2

Hello list,

Hyperbole v. 8.0 from git

I'm trying to learn to use hyperbole and I make very slow progress
because of the very terse documentation with only a minimum of
real-life examples.

Because of working most of my time in LaTeX, I don't use org-mode. So
it is a relief to have hyperlinks working in another context as org.

In my opinion its also a good idea to save the external-buttons config in
.hypb. So long file-names cannot get wrapped at col 70 in *tex [a big
problem with 'eev'] and you can correct/complete the config in .hypb.

---------- Problem

Implicit buttons are created - as I understood - as:

<elink: explicit-button-label: path-to-remote-doc>

but referencing an ebut, labeled 'fi' in the same and not in an extern
*.tex.file results in this error:

-->   hypb:error: (link-to-ebut): No button ‘fi’ in ‘nil’

Pls can you help?


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