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gnun-1.5 released [stable]

From: Ineiev
Subject: gnun-1.5 released [stable]
Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 18:34:13 +0000

I'm pleased to announce that GNUN 1.5 has been released
and is available at and its mirrors.

Version 1.5 is a maintenance release that fixes a few build issues
and updates GNUN for newer versions of its dependencies.

GNUN is a build system for translations with the sole task
to make their maintenance easier.  GNUN is supposed to work behind
the scenes, so it is not necessary for translators to install it

The package includes two manuals---the GNUnited Nations Manual (gnun)
and the GNU Web Translators Manual (web-trans); the latter is
the official documentation for the translation process
and is a must read for all translation team leaders.

More on GNUN home page,

Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature:

Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth:

Here are the SHA1 and SHA-256 checksums:

4ec3a76516eaaf6d14b4471264356b5fb91bad9b  gnun-1.5.tar.gz

Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

  gpg --verify gnun-1.5.tar.gz.sig gnun-1.5.tar.gz

If that command fails because you don't have the required public keys,
then run this command to import them:

  gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 
    0x1BBBC053D835DD16 0xE0ACD3E0CBE7874A

You can also download them from Savannah and then import:

  wget -O gnun-keys.gpg 
  gpg --import gnun-keys.gpg

The parameters of the signing keys for this release are

rsa2048 2012-01-17 [SC]
3EAE C8A0 4B97 561F 2A52  E35E 1BBB C053 D835 DD16

rsa2048 2014-10-21 [SC]
BD9D 4DEE 7B2F F1CB EF2E  E0C4 E0AC D3E0 CBE7 874A

To check them, run

  gpg --fingerprint 0x1BBBC053D835DD16 0xE0ACD3E0CBE7874A

Then rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

In order to further validate these keys, request an in-person
key signing session.

This release was bootstrapped with the following tools:
  Autoconf 2.71
  Automake 1.16.5
  Makeinfo 6.8


* Changes in GNUnited Nations 1.5 (2024-05-19)

** GNUN was updated to work with the current versions of po4a (a755e862b5f0f3)
   and xmllint (72e9267c32).

** New scripts, gnun-po4a-translate, and gnun-po4a-updatepo, with configure
   options --enable-gnun-po4a-translate and --enable-gnun-po4a-updatepo
   to use them instead of po4a-translate and po4a-updatepo.  The scripts
   simulate po4a-translate and po4a-updatepo invoking po4a.

** In newer PO4A releases, po4a-update must be used to generate POT files;
   vice versa, in older PO4A versions, po4a-update isn't usable for that,
   and po4a-gettextize should be used.  The configure script runs checks
   and selects the right program.

** Bugs fixed in 1.5

*** configure printed a false positive about sorting installcheck
    when all languages were selected.

*** tests/convert resulted in a false positive with newer PO4A.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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