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Preliminary version of new regex matcher for gawk now available

From: arnold
Subject: Preliminary version of new regex matcher for gawk now available
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 03:43:08 -0600
User-agent: Heirloom mailx 12.5 7/5/10

Hi All.

I've been working with Mike Haertel (the original author of GNU grep)
for a number of months now.  He is writing a new regexp matcher for
use in gawk (and other places, as people desire).

The matcher is avalable on Github:
I have created a branch in the gawk repo that uses it: feature/minrx.

MinRX is currently written in C++20. Mike will eventually rewrite it
in C for portability.  For the moment, you'll need to use gcc / g++
to build the branch.  I haven't tried to mess with clang / clang++.

The test suite passes completely.

The new matcher is the default, so that it will be exercised.  The old
matchers are still available. To use them, set GAWK_GNU_MATCHERS in
the environment.   I will NOT make a formal release with MinRX as long
as MinRX is still in C++.

For now, the only way to access the code is via Git:

        git clone
        cd gawk
        git checkout feature/minrx
        ./ && ./configure && make -j && make check

If you use gawk, please try this branch out.

Questions, comments, and *bug reports* are welcome.



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