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Re: [mtools] mtools on OS X

From: David C Niemi
Subject: Re: [mtools] mtools on OS X
Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 21:02:47 -0400 (EDT)


For good or bad, Mtools does not require that a file system be mounted, and is unaware of mounts you may have done for the device. It tries to emulate the DOS way of doing things, in which you do not mount removeable media but just directly access them.

Mattrib is kind of a special case in that it does something unique that you may not be able to do through a filesystem.

Probably the simplest thing to do is to redefine your drive a: or b: in /etc/mtools.conf to point to the device your USB device shows up as, and then give a path under that drive letter to mattrib. Use a DOS file system, you end up with DOS semantics ;^)

If the device file varies unpredictably, I'm not quite sure how to handle that but there is probably some reasonable way.


On Sun, 29 May 2005, Robert Ewald wrote:
I'd like to use mattrib to manipulate the hidden attribute on a FAT formatted USB key under OS X. After configuring/making the source I get the following error:

$ mattrib +h /Volumes/CRUZER/._Untitled.rtf
Drive 'A:' not supported
Cannot initialize 'A:'

I guess this has something to do with the definitions used for floppy disk devices not matching what is used by OS X in devices.c. While my powerbook doesn't have one of course, the following is under the /dev directory:

$ ls -l /dev/fd/
total 0
crw--w----   1 rob   tty      4,   2 29 May 15:45 0
crw--w----   1 rob   tty      4,   2 29 May 15:45 1
crw--w----   1 rob   tty      4,   2 29 May 15:45 2
drw-r--r--  56 rob   rob        1904 27 May 14:38 3/
dr--r--r--   2 root  wheel       512  4 May 18:57 4/

The USB key in question is mounted from /dev/disk2.

Am I using mattrib wrong or does this really require a programming change? If so I'll see what I can do.

| David C Niemi  (Reston, VA, USA)  niemi at tuxers dot net |
| Initiative, unlike vengeance, is a dish best served hot.  |
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