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Re: [Info-mtools] What does it take to support FAT12 dialects?

From: Alain Knaff
Subject: Re: [Info-mtools] What does it take to support FAT12 dialects?
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2021 00:31:52 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.10.0


On 15/06/2021 08:32, Alexander Huemer wrote:
>> $ ~/src/_readonly/mtools/mtools-4.0.28/mformat -C -T 4800 -h 2 -s 30 -H 
>> 1710948352 -i "/tmp/foo.img|data_map=1s,zero31s,28s,skip1s" ::
>> $ ~/src/_readonly/mtools/mtools-4.0.28/mcopy -i 
>> /tmp/foo.img\|data_map=1s,zero31s,28s,skip1s * ::
>> Cannot initialize '::'
>> Bad target ::
>> $
> Alain, any idea on this?

A similar (though not quite the same) bug is fixed in 4.0.30.

Difference is that for that bug, the error message would have been "Bad
address" rather than "Bad target".

Anyways, could you try out whether 4.0.30 maybe fixes the issue anyways?



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