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[Jacal-discuss] [PATCH] Return novalue when definite integration fails

From: Kris Katterjohn
Subject: [Jacal-discuss] [PATCH] Return novalue when definite integration fails
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 19:17:21 -0500
User-agent: Mutt


When indefinite integration fails, novalue is returned.  However this is
not checked for when doing definite integration, so novalue can get
applied to the integration limit(s):

e0 : integrate(1/x,x);

;;; could-not-find-algebraic-anti-derivative
 non-decreasing-rxd 0 vs 0
e0 : integrate(1/x,x,1);

;;; could-not-find-algebraic-anti-derivative
 non-decreasing-rxd 0 vs 0
e0: ?(1)
e1 : integrate(1/x,x,1,2);

;;; could-not-find-algebraic-anti-derivative
 non-decreasing-rxd 0 vs 0
e1: - ?(1) + ?(2)

I've attached a patch to propagate the novalue instead of applying it to
the integration limit(s).

Kris Katterjohn

Attachment: integrate-novalue.patch
Description: Text document

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