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[Jessie-discuss] 0.9.7

From: Casey Marshall
Subject: [Jessie-discuss] 0.9.7
Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 13:02:24 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

Hash: SHA1

I've made a new release of Jessie available for download. New in this

   * A *much* better record layer implementation, which performs
     significantly better than the old one (at least a hundred-fold
     improvement), and it no longer requires any auxiliary threads.

   * A (hopefully) much more secure random number generator. This is
     an implementation of Peter Gutmann's CSPRNG from cryptlib, and it
     is continuously reseeded with the data coming from the record
     layer. This PRNG is also implemented in GNU Crypto CVS.

Nothing else major has changed from 0.9.6.

I like to think of this release as a strong candidate for a "stable"
1.0.0 release. If you have the time, I'd encourage you to try using
this version of Jessie in an application that uses the JSSE, and
report any successes or failures. I have, for example, been able to
run Jessie as the SSL engine for Tomcat 5.0.12 with IBM's JRE (but not
Kaffe yet. I can't seem to get Tomcat to work on Kaffe), but am
getting occasional hangs on connect. Naturally I'd rather hear about
tests on free VMs, but anything will do.

Jessie is available here:


And there is a pointer here from the home page:


Happy Hacking.

- -- 
Casey Marshall || address@hidden
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