From: | chinmaya |
Subject: | [Jessie-discuss] Re: TLS Client Peer not verified |
Date: | Tue, 17 Apr 2007 08:10:27 -0600 |
Hi the following TLS Client code works fine with Sun JSSE but when I change it to Jessie, I get following errors
On Client Side
Exception in thread "main" javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: peer not verified
at gnu.javax.net.ssl.Session.getPeerCertificateChain (Session.java:161)
at TLSClient.startClient(TLSClient.java:132)
at TLSClient.main(TLSClient.java:261)
On Server Side
09 Apr 2007 18:39:56,275 ERROR [] TLSServer: Error while processing data
at gnu.javax.net.ssl.provider.SSLSocketImpl.doHandshake(SSLSocketImpl.java:455)
at gnu.javax.net.ssl.provider.SSLSocketImpl$SocketInputStream.read (SSLSocketImpl.java:150)
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder$CharsetSD.readBytes(StreamDecoder.java:411)
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder$CharsetSD.implRead(StreamDecoder.java:453)
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(StreamDecoder.java:183)
at java.io.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:167)
at java.io.BufferedReader.fill (BufferedReader.java:136)
at java.io.BufferedReader.read(BufferedReader.java:157)
at TLSDataListener.processData(TLSDataListener.java:26)
at TLSServer$2.run(TLSServer.java:200)
Can you please tell me what is going wrong ?
thanks in advance
-- code --
SSLContext ctx;
KeyManagerFactory kmf;
KeyStore ks;
String keyAlgo = null;
//keyAlgo = "SunX509";
keyAlgo = "JessieX509";
Provider provider = null;
provider = new Jessie();
//provider = new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider();
ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS", provider);
kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(keyAlgo, provider);
log.info("Loading pfx file: " + pfxFile);
SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
if(pfxFile != null) {
ks = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12", "BC");
fis = new FileInputStream(pfxFile);
ks.load(fis, pfxPass);
kmf.init(ks, pfxPass);
ctx.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), TLSTrustManager.getManagers(), random);
} else {
ctx.init(null, TLSTrustManager.getManagers(), random);
SSLSocketFactory factory = ctx.getSocketFactory()
SSLSocket sock = (SSLSocket)factory.createSocket(host, port);
sock.setEnabledProtocols(new String[]{"TLSv1"});
sock.setUseClientMode (true);
SSLSession sslsession = sock.getSession();
log.debug ("TLS Session Details follows ... ");
log.debug("Peer Host Address : " + sslsession.getPeerHost());
log.debug("Protocol : " + sslsession.getProtocol());
log.debug("Ciphersuite : " + sslsession.getCipherSuite ());
String[] enP = sock.getEnabledProtocols();
if(enP == null) {
log.error("Enabled protocols is null");
} else {
for(int i=0;i<enP.length;i++) {
log.debug("Enabled Protocol: " + i + "=" + enP[i]);
X509Certificate[] peerCerts = sslsession.getPeerCertificateChain();
log.debug("No. of Peer Certificates : " + peerCerts.length);
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