I just started using libmicrohttpd, and can't quite figure out the POST data.
The request headers are:
POST /r/43/0 HTTP/1.1
Host: druid:1182
Content-Range: bytes 0-18085/18086
Content-Type: image/png
Content-Length: 18086
and the body is correctly present (checked in wireshark)
In my access handler, I print out:
DBG("HTTP %s %s, %d bytes, %p",
method, url, *upload_data_size, upload_data);
DBG("post data cnt : %d\n",
MHD_get_connection_values(conn, MHD_POSTDATA_KIND, 0, 0));
Everything is 0, the *upload_data_size, upload_data ptr,
and count of MHD_POSTDATA connection values. The access handler
is only called once.
MHD_VERSION is 0x00091600
Any help with what I'm missing, or where to poke, will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!