I love open source, you definitely K.I.L.L.E.D the problem! :-D
I did many tests comparing MHD with NodeJS and now MHD is working fine on Windows. In my tests I used the MHD 32 bits and NodeJS 64 bits (5.1.1), and it was proposital, but MHD even in 32 bits worked like a charm and has a nice performance as NodeJS. I'm sending the result on bottom of this e-mail.
And Evg, sorry if I'm being boring, but, can you send me the compiled 32 and 64 binaries? I can compile that, but I don't know if my environment is the better to compile MHD. The 32 bit binary that I compiled has 499KB, it isn't a problem, but I think that the size can be less.
Thank you, and count on me in any help too! (y)
=== begin JMeter Thread Group Config ===
Number of Threads (Users): 1000
Ramp-Up Period (in seconds): 1
Loop Count (forvever unchecked): 100
=== end JMeter Thread Group Config ===
=== begin NodeJS 5.1.1 64 bits result ===
Samples: 100000
Average: 83
Median: 85
90% line: 93
95% line: 99
99% line: 113
Min: 0
Max: 126
Error: 0,00%
Throughput: 5094,8/sec
KB/sec: 910,5
=== end NodeJS 5.1.1 64 bits result ===
=== begin MHD 0x00094701 (with Evg and Christ fixes) 32 bits result ===
Samples: 100000
Average: 57
Median: 58
90% line: 63
95% line: 65
99% line: 78
Min: 0
Max: 515
Error: 0,00%
Throughput: 4835,1/sec
KB/sec: 769,7
=== begin MHD 0x00094701 (with Evg and Christ fixes) 32 bits result ===
ps. I don't know what `Max: 515` column means, but the more important column is `Error`, and it is 0,00% to MHD too! :-)