I prepare CMakeLists.txt file for CMake build system.
It is only draft because it configures and builds only the library (no doc, examples, rc file on windows)
Please give me know if you want to add it in your distribution.
Please if possible review it. I try to rewrite autotools to CMake and test it on Windows MSVC2005 (some changes in source) and MSVC2015, and Linux Debian Lenny, RedHat 6.4 and cross compiling for arm.
The advantage is that you can get rid of MSVC projects.
If you want to try then install cmake and copy CMakeLists.txt and
MHD_config_cmake.h.in to project root (where configure is located).
go to project root
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
you have to use Command prompt from MSVC
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..