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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Alternatives to closed, non-free webmail servi

From: Bryan Baldwin
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Alternatives to closed, non-free webmail services?
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2012 12:53:19 +1200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0.5) Gecko/20120701 Thunderbird/10.0.5

On 07/25/2012 08:09 AM, Patrick Anderson wrote:
> Robert Martinez wrote:
> But who owns the network?
> We cannot do this in isolation.
> We must learn to share hardware.

Hi Patrick,

I'm with you on this, but Freedom Box or something like it is still the answer 
to your question.

Taking the fight to the owners of infrastructure is hard. Very hard. I'm not 
saying it shouldn't be done, but it might be a mistake to count on being about 
to go all in on law making revolution.

Moglen said, the keys to social change is a three legged stool, and one leg is 
always in front. Politics, technology, law. Politics isn't going to give us 
what we need because the state loves surveillance. Law won't give us what we 
need because the parties that love surveillance most get impunity from the 
state. What we need to do is get the leg of technology out in front.

Freedom box should not only support anonymization through use of encryption and 
distributed networking techniques (although these are powerful tools we should 
use on the common network as well). But it also needs to supply a mesh network 
with like devices. Think of the OLPC neighborhood screen, but in every smart 
device. Anything with a network adaptor. With such technology, the network 
instantly becomes ubiquitous and impossible to killswitch.

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