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Re: lyrics clashing with barlines

From: Matevž Jekovec
Subject: Re: lyrics clashing with barlines
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:27:39 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061115)

Hi Mats,

the following solution works. However, looks like my regression fails
with Lily-2.10/11 branch: The first line is drawn on the first page
already and it doesn't fit the whole page (the half is cut)!

I'm attaching the whole score.

- Matevž

Mats Bengtsson pravi:
> When Maurits sent his question, I suddenly realized that it looked
> familiar, and I
> found Matevz' old email, which did contain a full example that was
> easy to play
> around with. The solution to both of your problems turns out to be
> very simple,
> once you realize that the bar lines drawn between staves are actually
> the so-called
> SpanBar barlines belonging to the StaffGroup context. If you move the
> bottom
> lyrics line outside the StaffGroup context, you get rid of these bar
> lines. In Matevz'
> example, just replace the \score block by
>  \score {
>  <<
>    \context StaffGroup = choirStaff <<
>          \context Voice =
>        cantusNotes << \global \cantusNotes >>
>      \context Lyrics =
>        cantusLyrics \lyricsto cantusNotes { \cantusLyrics }
>      \context Voice =
>        altusNotes << \global \altusNotes >>
>      \context Lyrics =
>        altusLyrics \lyricsto altusNotes { \altusLyrics }
>      \context Voice =
>        tenorNotes << \global \tenorNotes >>
>      \context Lyrics =
>        tenorLyrics \lyricsto tenorNotes { \tenorLyrics }
>      \context Voice =
>        bassusNotes << \global \bassusNotes >>
>    >>
>    \context Lyrics =
>      bassusLyrics \lyricsto bassusNotes { \bassusLyrics }
>  >>
>  ...
> }
>    /Mats
> Matevz Jekovec wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Thank you both. The hint at the bottom regarding how to avoid barlines
>> work. However, I think I found a bug in Lily. I attached the png and .ly
>> file. The problem is that the barline is now drawn *under* the last
>> staff where it shouldn't be.
>> Regards.
>> - Matevž
>> Mats Bengtsson pravi:
>>> I hope you have seen the hints at the bottom of
>>>   /Mats
>>> Matevz Jekovec wrote:
>>>> Usually choir staffgroup has barlines only in staffs, but not
>>>> connecting
>>>> staffs as well. However, in some cases (like renaissance music, where
>>>> the barlines are drawn only *between* the staffs and not in them) when
>>>> the barlines are drawn, lyrics position for every syllable doesn't
>>>> take
>>>> the barline into account. They collide.
>>>> I attached an example of Gallus's Ecce quomodo.
>>>> Is there a large CPU overhead to implement this (like you mentioned it
>>>> was for avoiding clashing page borders and notes for every text sign).
>>>> Regards.
>>>> - Matevž
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> lilypond-devel mailing list
>>>> address@hidden
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> \version "2.7.40"
>>> #(set-global-staff-size 19)
>>> global = {
>>>   \pageBreak
>>>   \set Score.skipBars = ##t
>>>   % incipit
>>>   \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #1.0 % tight
>>> spacing
>>>   \key f \major
>>>   \time 2/2
>>>   \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural
>>>   \override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'neomensural
>>>   \override Voice.Rest #'style = #'neomensural
>>>   \override Voice.Accidental  #'style = #'mensural
>>>   \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
>>>   \override NoteSpacing #'stem-spacing-correction = #0.6
>>>   \cadenzaOn % turn off bar lines
>>>   \skip 1*5
>>>   \once \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f
>>>   \bar "||"
>>>   \skip 1*1 % need this extra \skip such that clef change comes
>>>             % after bar line
>>>   \bar ""
>>>   % main
>>>   \cadenzaOff % turn bar lines on again
>>>   \once \override Staff.Clef #'full-size-change = ##t
>>>   \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
>>>   \key f \major
>>>   \time 2/2
>>>   \override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'default
>>>   \override Voice.Rest #'style = #'default
>>>   \override Voice.Accidental  #'style = #'default
>>> \override Score.PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
>>>   % FIXME: setting printKeyCancellation back to #t must not
>>>   % occur in the first bar after the incipit.  Dto. for forceClef.
>>>   % Therefore, we need an extra \skip.
>>>   \skip 1*1
>>>   \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##t
>>>   \set Staff.forceClef = ##f
>>>   \override Staff.BarLine #'hair-thickness = #0.3
>>>   \skip 1*2 \break % Prima pars
>>>   \skip 1*6 \break
>>>   \skip 1*6 \break
>>>   \skip 1*6 \break
>>>   \skip 1*6 \break
>>>   \skip 1*6
>>>   \once \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f
>>>   \bar "||" \pageBreak
>>>   \skip 1*8 \break % Secunda pars
>>>   \skip 1*8 \break
>>>   \skip 1*7
>>>   % let finis bar go through all staves
>>>   \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f
>>>   % finis bar
>>>   \bar "|."
>>> }
>>> \layout {
>>>   \context {
>>>       \Lyrics
>>>       \consists "Bar_engraver"
>>>       \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver"
>>>       \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> isUp = ^\markup \sharp
>>> esUp = ^\markup \flat
>>> nUp = ^\markup \natural
>>> cantusNotes = {
>>>   \transpose c' c'' {
>>>     \set Staff.instrument = "Cantus"
>>>     \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
>>>     % incipit
>>>     \clef "treble"
>>>     a\breve g1 r2 a2. a4 a2  % 4
>>>     \skip 1*1 % extra bar
>>>     % main
>>>     \clef "treble"
>>>     \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-8 . 2)
>>>     a1^\markup {\large \bold "Prima pars"} | g2 r4 a4~ |    % 3
>>>     a8 a a4 bes2~ | bes4 a a2 |                             % 5
>>>     g1 | g2 r4 g4 | a2 g4 f~ |                              % 8
>>>     f8 f e4 f2 | e r4 a4 | c'2 c'4 bes~ |                   % 11
>>>     bes8 bes a4 g2 | fis r4 fis4~ | fis g a2 |              % 14
>>>     a4 a bes2 | a r4 c'4~ | c' bes2 a4 |                    % 17
>>>     a a2 a4 | g2 r4 g4 | a4. a8 a4 g |                      % 20
>>>     a a a2 | a r4 a4~ | a c'2 bes4 | a g2 a4 |              % 24
>>>     r4 c'4 f' f' | e' d'2 c'4 | bes bes4. bes8 a4 |         % 27
>>>     g2 a | r4 c'4 f' f' | e' d'2 c'4 |                      % 30
>>>     bes bes4. bes8 a4 | g2 a~ | a1~ | a ||                  % 34
>>>     \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-5 . 2)
>>>     c'2^\markup {\large \bold "Secunda pars"} c' |          % 35
>>>     c'4 a2 a4 | a a2 a4 | a2 a |                            % 38
>>>     r4 c'2 c'4 | d'2 c'4 e' | e' e'4. e'8 f'4~\melisma |    % 41
>>>     f' e'8 d' e'4\melismaEnd e' | f'2 r4 c'4~ | c' c' d'2 | % 44
>>>     c'4 e' e' e'~ | e'8 e' f'2\melisma e'8 d' |             % 46
>>>     e'4\melismaEnd e' f'2 | r4 c'4 f' f' | e' d'2 c'4 |     % 49
>>>     bes bes4. bes8 a4 | g2 a | r4 c'4 f' f' |               % 52
>>>     e' d'2 c'4 | bes bes4. bes8 a4 | g2 a~ |                % 55
>>>     a1~ | a1 \bar "|."                                      % 57
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> cantusLyrics = \lyricmode {
>>>   % incipit
>>>   _ _ _ _ _
>>>   % main
>>>   Ec -- ce, quo --                 % 3
>>>   mo -- do mo -- ri -- tur         % 5
>>>   ius -- tus, et ne -- mo per --   % 7
>>>   ci pit cor -- de et              % 10
>>>   ne -- mo per -- ci -- pit cor -- % 12
>>>   de; vi -- ri ius --              % 14
>>>   ti tol -- lun -- tur, et         % 16
>>>   ne -- mo con -- si -- de --      % 18
>>>   rat; a fa -- ci -- e in --       % 20
>>>   i -- qui -- ta -- tis sub --     % 22
>>>   la -- tus est ius -- tus:        % 24
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 26
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 28
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 30
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 34
>>>   In pa -- ce fac -- tus           % 36
>>>   est lo -- cus e -- ius,          % 38
>>>   et in Si -- on ha -- bi --       % 40
>>>   ta -- ti -- o __ e -- ius,       % 43
>>>   et in Si -- on ha -- bi -- ta -- % 45
>>>   ti -- o __ e -- ius.             % 47
>>>   Et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 49
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 51
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 53
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 57
>>> }
>>> altusNotes = {
>>>   \transpose c' c'' {
>>>     \set Staff.instrument = "Altus"
>>>     \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
>>>     % incipit
>>>     \clef "neomensural-c2"
>>>     f\breve e1 r2 f2. f4 f2  % 5
>>>     \skip 1*1 % extra bar
>>>     % main
>>>     \clef "treble"
>>>     f1 | e2 r4 f~ | f8 f f4 f2~ |                     % 4
>>>     f4 f f f~\melisma | f e d2\melismaEnd | e r4 e |  % 7
>>>     f2 e4 d~ | d8 d cis4 d2 | cis2 r4 e4 |            % 10
>>>     a2 a4 f~ | f8 f f4 d2 | d r4 d4~ | d d f2 |       % 14
>>>     f4 f f2 | f r4 a4~ | a g2 e4 | f f2 f4 |          % 18
>>>     e2 r4 g4 | f4. f8 f4 d | f f e2 |                 % 21
>>>     fis2 r4 fis4~ | fis g2 f?4 |                      % 23
>>>     f d2 f4 | r4 a c' c' | c' bes2 a4 |               % 26
>>>     g4 g4. g8 f4~ | f e f2 |                          % 28
>>>     r4 a4 c' c' | c' bes2 a4 |                        % 30
>>>     g g4. g8 f4~ | f e f2~ | f1~ | f ||               % 34
>>>     r4 a4 g2 | a4 f2 f4 | f d2 e4 | f2 e |            % 38
>>>     r4 a2 g4 | bes2 a4 c'4 | c' c'4. c'8 bes4 |       % 41
>>>     c'1 | c'2 r4 a4~ | a4 g bes2 | a4 c' c' c'~ |     % 45
>>>     c'8 c' bes4 c'2~ | c' c' |                        % 47
>>>     r4 a4 c' c' | c' bes2 a4 | g g4. g8 f4~ |         % 50
>>>     f4 e f2 | r4 a4 c' c' | c' bes2 a4 |              % 53
>>>     g g4. g8 f4~ | f e f2~ | f1~ | f1 \bar "|."       % 57
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> altusLyrics = \lyricmode {
>>>   % incipit
>>>   _ _ _ _ _
>>>   % main
>>>   Ec -- ce, quo --                 % 3
>>>   mo -- do mo -- ri -- tur         % 5
>>>   ius -- tus, et ne -- mo per --   % 7
>>>   ci pit cor -- de et              % 10
>>>   ne -- mo per -- ci -- pit cor -- % 12
>>>   de; vi -- ri ius --              % 14
>>>   ti tol -- lun -- tur, et         % 16
>>>   ne -- mo con -- si -- de --      % 18
>>>   rat; a fa -- ci -- e in --       % 20
>>>   i -- qui -- ta -- tis sub --     % 22
>>>   la -- tus est ius -- tus:        % 24
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 26
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 28
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 30
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 34
>>>   In pa -- ce fac -- tus           % 36
>>>   est lo -- cus e -- ius,          % 38
>>>   et in Si -- on ha -- bi --       % 40
>>>   ta -- ti -- o e -- ius,          % 43
>>>   et in Si -- on ha -- bi -- ta -- % 45
>>>   ti -- o e -- ius.                % 47
>>>   Et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 49
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 51
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 53
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 57
>>> }
>>> tenorNotes = {
>>>   \transpose c' c'' {
>>>     \set Staff.instrument = "Tenor"
>>>     \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
>>>     % incipit
>>>     \clef "neomensural-c3"
>>>     c\breve c1 r2 c2. c4 c2 % 5
>>>     \skip 1*1 % extra bar
>>>     % main
>>>     \clef "treble_8"
>>>     c1 | c2 r4 c4~ | c8 c c4 d2~ |            % 4
>>>     d4 c c d~\melisma |                       % 5
>>>     d8 c c4. b,8 b,4\melismaEnd | c2 r4 c |   % 7
>>>     c2 c4 a,~ | a,8 a, a,4 a,2 | a, r4 c4 |   % 10
>>>     f2 e4 d~ | d8 d c4 bes,2 | a, r4 a,4~ |   % 13
>>>     a, b, c2 | c4 c d2 | c r4 f4~ |           % 16
>>>     f d2 cis4 | d c2 c4 | c2 r4 c4 |          % 19
>>>     c4. c8 c4 b, | c d2 cis4 | d2 r4 d4~ |    % 22
>>>     d es2 d4 | c b,2 c4 | r4 f a a |          % 25
>>>     a f2 f4 | d es4. es8 c4 | c2 c |          % 28
>>>     r4 f4 a a | a f2 f4 | d es4. es8 c4 |     % 31
>>>     c2 c~ | c1~ | c1 ||                       % 34
>>>     r4 f2 e4 | f c2 c4 | d f2 e4 |            % 37
>>>     d2 cis2 | r4 e2 e4 | f2 f4 g |            % 40
>>>     g g4. g8 f4 | g1 | a2 r4 e4~ |            % 43
>>>     e e f2 | f4 g g g~ |                      % 45
>>>     g8 g f4 g2~ | g a |                       % 47
>>>     r4 f4 a a | a f2 f4 |                     % 49
>>>     d es4. es8 c4 | c2 c |                    % 51
>>>     r4 f4 a a | a f2 f4 |                     % 53
>>>     d es4. es8 c4 | c2 c2~ | c1~ |            % 56
>>>     c1 \bar "|."                              % 57
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> tenorLyrics = \lyricmode {
>>>   % incipit
>>>   _ _ _ _ _
>>>   % main
>>>   Ec -- ce, quo --                 % 3
>>>   mo -- do mo -- ri -- tur         % 5
>>>   ius -- tus, et ne -- mo per --   % 7
>>>   ci pit cor -- de et              % 10
>>>   ne -- mo per -- ci -- pit cor -- % 12
>>>   de; vi -- ri ius --              % 14
>>>   ti tol -- lun -- tur, et         % 16
>>>   ne -- mo con -- si -- de --      % 18
>>>   rat; a fa -- ci -- e in --       % 20
>>>   i -- qui -- ta -- tis sub --     % 22
>>>   la -- tus est ius -- tus:        % 24
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 26
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 28
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 30
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 34
>>>   In pa -- ce fac -- tus           % 36
>>>   est lo -- cus e -- ius,          % 38
>>>   et in Si -- on ha -- bi --       % 40
>>>   ta -- ti -- o e -- ius,          % 43
>>>   et in Si -- on ha -- bi -- ta -- % 45
>>>   ti -- o e -- ius.                % 47
>>>   Et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 49
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 51
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 53
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 57
>>> }
>>> bassusNotes = {
>>>   \transpose c' c' {
>>>     \set Staff.instrument = "Bassus"
>>>     \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
>>>     % incipit
>>>     \clef "varbaritone"
>>>     f\breve c1 r2 f2. f4 f2 % 5
>>>     \skip 1*1 % extra bar
>>>     % main
>>>     \clef "bass"
>>>     f1 | c2 r4 f4~ | f8 f f4 bes2~ |    % 4
>>>     bes4 f f2 | g1 | c2 r4 c4 |         % 7
>>>     f2 c4 d~ | d8 d a,4 d2 | a, r4 a4 | % 10
>>>     f2 a4 bes~ | bes8 bes f4 g2 |       % 12
>>>     d2 r4 d4~ | d g f2 | f4 f bes,2 |   % 15
>>>     f2 r4 f4~ | f g2 a4 | d f2 f4 |     % 18
>>>     c2 r4 c4 | f4. f8 f4 g | f d a2 |   % 21
>>>     d r4 d4~ | d c2 d4 | f g2 f4 |      % 24
>>>     r4 f4 f f | a bes2 f4 |             % 26
>>>     g es4. es8 f4 | c2 f | r4 f4 f f |  % 29
>>>     a bes2 f4 | g es4. es8 f4 |         % 31
>>>     c2 f~ | f1~ | f1 ||                 % 34
>>>     r4 f4 c2 | f4 f2 f4 |               % 36
>>>     d4 d2 cis4 | d2 a, | r4 a2 c'4 |    % 39
>>>     bes2 f4 c' | c' c'4. c'8 d'4 |      % 41
>>>     c'1 | f2 r4 a4~ | a4 c' bes2 |      % 44
>>>     f4 c' c' c'~ | c'8 c' d'4 c'2~ |    % 46
>>>     c' f | r4 f4 f f | a bes2 f4 |      % 49
>>>     g es4. es8 f4 | c2 f | r4 f4 f f |  % 52
>>>     a bes2 f4 | g es4. es8 f4 | c2 f~ | % 55
>>>     f1~ | f1 \bar "|."                  % 57
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> bassusLyrics = \lyricmode {
>>>   % incipit
>>>   _ _ _ _ _
>>>   % main
>>>   Ec -- ce, quo --                 % 3
>>>   mo -- do mo -- ri -- tur         % 5
>>>   ius -- tus, et ne -- mo per --   % 7
>>>   ci pit cor -- de et              % 10
>>>   ne -- mo per -- ci -- pit cor -- % 12
>>>   de; vi -- ri ius --              % 14
>>>   ti tol -- lun -- tur, et         % 16
>>>   ne -- mo con -- si -- de --      % 18
>>>   rat; a fa -- ci -- e in --       % 20
>>>   i -- qui -- ta -- tis sub --     % 22
>>>   la -- tus est ius -- tus:        % 24
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 26
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 28
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 30
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 34
>>>   In pa -- ce fac -- tus           % 36
>>>   est lo -- cus e -- ius,          % 38
>>>   et in Si -- on ha -- bi --       % 40
>>>   ta -- ti -- o e -- ius,          % 43
>>>   et in Si -- on ha -- bi -- ta -- % 45
>>>   ti -- o e -- ius.                % 47
>>>   Et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 49
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 51
>>>   et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 53
>>>   me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 57
>>> }
>>> \book {
>>>   \header {
>>>     title = "XIII. Ecce quomodo moritur iustus"
>>>     composer = \markup \center-align {"" \large "Iacobus Gallus
>>> (Jakob Petelin)" \small "(1550-1591)"}
>>>     mutopiatitle = "XIII. Ecce quomodo moritur iustus"
>>>     mutopiacomposer = "I. Gallus (1550-1591)"
>>>     mutopiainstrument = "Voice, (SATB)"
>>>     source = "Emil Bazecný, Josef Mantuani - DTÖ, 1899-1919"
>>>     style = "Renaissance"
>>>     copyright = "Public Domain"
>>>     maintainer = "Matevž Jekovec"
>>>     maintainerEmail = "address@hidden"
>>>     lastupdated = "2005/Oct/25"
>>>   }
>>>   \markup \column \large \translate #(cons 20 0) {
>>>                             \italic {
>>>                             "  Ecce quomodo moritur iustus, et nemo
>>> percipit corde;"
>>>                             "viri iusti tolluntur, et nemo considerat;"
>>>                             "a facie iniquitatis sublatus est iustus:"
>>>                             "et erit in pace memoria eius."
>>>                             "  In pace factus est locus eius, et in
>>> Sion habitatio eius."
>>>                             "Et erit in pace memoria eius."
>>>                             }
>>>                             " " " " " "
>>>                             "  Glejte, kako umira pravični, pa nihče
>>> v srcu ne čuti."
>>>                             "Žrtev sveti možje so, pa mar ni nobenemu."
>>>                             "Iz kroga je ljudi hudobnih odstranjen
>>> pravični."
>>>                             "In večno bo živel v preslavnem spominu."
>>>                             "  Počitka našel je mesto mirno, na
>>> Sionu prebivališče svoje."
>>>                             "In večno bo živel v preslavnem
>>> spominu." " "
>>>                             "    (Janez Podboj, v: J. Aljaž,
>>> Slovenska pesmarica II, Celovec 1900)"
>>>                             " " " " " "
>>>                             "  Behold, the Righteous dies, but no
>>> one feels in his heart;"
>>>                             "victims are the righteous ones, but no
>>> one notices;"
>>>                             "the Righteous faces iniquity and is
>>> being removed:"
>>>                             "And he will live in glorious peace."
>>>                             "  He found his place in peace, his
>>> realm in Zion."
>>>                             "And he will live in glorious peace." " "
>>>                             "    (Matevž Jekovec, \"De profundis\"
>>> chamber choir, Slovenia)"
>>>                             " " " " " " " " " " " "
>>>   }
>>>   \markup \column {
>>>                               \italic {
>>>                                 "Typeset from Jacob Handl (Gallus):
>>> Opus Musicum, vol. 2, DTÖ 1905,"
>>>                                 "with minor maintainer's tweaks and
>>> fixes."
>>>                                 " " " "
>>>                             }
>>>   }
>>>   \score {
>>>     \context StaffGroup = choirStaff <<
>>>       \context Voice =
>>>         cantusNotes << \global \cantusNotes >>
>>>       \context Lyrics =
>>>         cantusLyrics \lyricsto cantusNotes { \cantusLyrics }
>>>       \context Voice =
>>>         altusNotes << \global \altusNotes >>
>>>       \context Lyrics =
>>>         altusLyrics \lyricsto altusNotes { \altusLyrics }
>>>       \context Voice =
>>>         tenorNotes << \global \tenorNotes >>
>>>       \context Lyrics =
>>>         tenorLyrics \lyricsto tenorNotes { \tenorLyrics }
>>>       \context Voice =
>>>         bassusNotes << \global \bassusNotes >>
>>>       \context Lyrics =
>>>         bassusLyrics \lyricsto bassusNotes { \bassusLyrics }
>>>     >>
>>>     \layout {
>>>       indent = 4.0 \cm
>>>       \context {
>>>         \Score
>>>         \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
>>>       }
>>>       \context {
>>>         \Voice
>>>         \override Slur #'transparent = ##t
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>     \midi { \tempo 2 = 48 }
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> lilypond-devel mailing list
>>> address@hidden
\version "2.10.0"

#(set-global-staff-size 19)

global = {
  \set Score.skipBars = ##t

  % incipit
  \override Score.SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #1.0 % tight spacing
  \key f \major
  \time 2/2
  \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'neomensural
  \override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'neomensural
  \override Voice.Rest #'style = #'neomensural
  \override Voice.Accidental  #'style = #'mensural
  \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##f
  \override NoteSpacing #'stem-spacing-correction = #0.6
  \cadenzaOn % turn off bar lines
  \skip 1*5
  \once \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f
  \bar "||"
  \skip 1*1 % need this extra \skip such that clef change comes
            % after bar line
  \bar ""

  % main
  \cadenzaOff % turn bar lines on again
  \once \override Staff.Clef #'full-size-change = ##t
  \set Staff.forceClef = ##t
  \key f \major
  \time 2/2
  \override Voice.NoteHead #'style = #'default
  \override Voice.Rest #'style = #'default
  \override Voice.Accidental  #'style = #'default
  \override Score.PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t
  % FIXME: setting printKeyCancellation back to #t must not
  % occur in the first bar after the incipit.  Dto. for forceClef.
  % Therefore, we need an extra \skip.
  \skip 1*1
  \set Staff.printKeyCancellation = ##t
  \set Staff.forceClef = ##f
  \override Staff.BarLine #'hair-thickness = #0.3
  \skip 1*2 \break % Prima pars
  \skip 1*6 \break
  \skip 1*6 \break
  \skip 1*6 \break
  \skip 1*6 \break
  \skip 1*6
  \once \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f
  \bar "||" \pageBreak

  \skip 1*8 \break % Secunda pars
  \skip 1*8 \break
  \skip 1*7
  % let finis bar go through all staves
  \override Staff.BarLine #'transparent = ##f

  % finis bar
  \bar "|."

\layout {
  \context {
      \consists "Bar_engraver"
      \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver"
      \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t

isUp = ^\markup \sharp
esUp = ^\markup \flat
nUp = ^\markup \natural

cantusNotes = {
  \transpose c' c'' {
    \set Staff.instrumentName = "Cantus"
    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
    % incipit
    \clef "treble"
    a\breve g1 r2 a2. a4 a2  % 4
    \skip 1*1 % extra bar

    % main
    \clef "treble"
    \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-8 . 2)
    a1^\markup {\large \bold "Prima pars"} | g2 r4 a4~ |    % 3
    a8 a a4 bes2~ | bes4 a a2 |                             % 5
    g1 | g2 r4 g4 | a2 g4 f~ |                              % 8
    f8 f e4 f2 | e r4 a4 | c'2 c'4 bes~ |                   % 11
    bes8 bes a4 g2 | fis r4 fis4~ | fis g a2 |              % 14
    a4 a bes2 | a r4 c'4~ | c' bes2 a4 |                    % 17
    a a2 a4 | g2 r4 g4 | a4. a8 a4 g |                      % 20
    a a a2 | a r4 a4~ | a c'2 bes4 | a g2 a4 |              % 24
    r4 c'4 f' f' | e' d'2 c'4 | bes bes4. bes8 a4 |         % 27
    g2 a | r4 c'4 f' f' | e' d'2 c'4 |                      % 30
    bes bes4. bes8 a4 | g2 a~ | a1~ | a ||                  % 34
    \once \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-5 . 2)
    c'2^\markup {\large \bold "Secunda pars"} c' |          % 35
    c'4 a2 a4 | a a2 a4 | a2 a |                            % 38
    r4 c'2 c'4 | d'2 c'4 e' | e' e'4. e'8 f'4~\melisma |    % 41
    f' e'8 d' e'4\melismaEnd e' | f'2 r4 c'4~ | c' c' d'2 | % 44
    c'4 e' e' e'~ | e'8 e' f'2\melisma e'8 d' |             % 46
    e'4\melismaEnd e' f'2 | r4 c'4 f' f' | e' d'2 c'4 |     % 49
    bes bes4. bes8 a4 | g2 a | r4 c'4 f' f' |               % 52
    e' d'2 c'4 | bes bes4. bes8 a4 | g2 a~ |                % 55
    a1~ | a1 \bar "|."                                      % 57

cantusLyrics = \lyricmode {
  % incipit
  _ _ _ _ _

  % main
  Ec -- ce, quo --                 % 3
  mo -- do mo -- ri -- tur         % 5
  ius -- tus, et ne -- mo per --   % 7
  ci pit cor -- de et              % 10
  ne -- mo per -- ci -- pit cor -- % 12
  de; vi -- ri ius --              % 14
  ti tol -- lun -- tur, et         % 16
  ne -- mo con -- si -- de --      % 18
  rat; a fa -- ci -- e in --       % 20
  i -- qui -- ta -- tis sub --     % 22
  la -- tus est ius -- tus:        % 24
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 26
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 28
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 30
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 34
  In pa -- ce fac -- tus           % 36
  est lo -- cus e -- ius,          % 38
  et in Si -- on ha -- bi --       % 40
  ta -- ti -- o __ e -- ius,       % 43
  et in Si -- on ha -- bi -- ta -- % 45
  ti -- o __ e -- ius.             % 47
  Et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 49
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 51
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 53
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 57

altusNotes = {
  \transpose c' c'' {
    \set Staff.instrumentName = "Altus"
    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
    % incipit
    \clef "neomensural-c2"
    f\breve e1 r2 f2. f4 f2  % 5
    \skip 1*1 % extra bar

    % main
    \clef "treble"
    f1 | e2 r4 f~ | f8 f f4 f2~ |                     % 4
    f4 f f f~\melisma | f e d2\melismaEnd | e r4 e |  % 7
    f2 e4 d~ | d8 d cis4 d2 | cis2 r4 e4 |            % 10
    a2 a4 f~ | f8 f f4 d2 | d r4 d4~ | d d f2 |       % 14
    f4 f f2 | f r4 a4~ | a g2 e4 | f f2 f4 |          % 18
    e2 r4 g4 | f4. f8 f4 d | f f e2 |                 % 21
    fis2 r4 fis4~ | fis g2 f?4 |                      % 23
    f d2 f4 | r4 a c' c' | c' bes2 a4 |               % 26
    g4 g4. g8 f4~ | f e f2 |                          % 28
    r4 a4 c' c' | c' bes2 a4 |                        % 30
    g g4. g8 f4~ | f e f2~ | f1~ | f ||               % 34
    r4 a4 g2 | a4 f2 f4 | f d2 e4 | f2 e |            % 38
    r4 a2 g4 | bes2 a4 c'4 | c' c'4. c'8 bes4 |       % 41
    c'1 | c'2 r4 a4~ | a4 g bes2 | a4 c' c' c'~ |     % 45
    c'8 c' bes4 c'2~ | c' c' |                        % 47
    r4 a4 c' c' | c' bes2 a4 | g g4. g8 f4~ |         % 50
    f4 e f2 | r4 a4 c' c' | c' bes2 a4 |              % 53
    g g4. g8 f4~ | f e f2~ | f1~ | f1 \bar "|."       % 57

altusLyrics = \lyricmode {
  % incipit
  _ _ _ _ _

  % main
  Ec -- ce, quo --                 % 3
  mo -- do mo -- ri -- tur         % 5
  ius -- tus, et ne -- mo per --   % 7
  ci pit cor -- de et              % 10
  ne -- mo per -- ci -- pit cor -- % 12
  de; vi -- ri ius --              % 14
  ti tol -- lun -- tur, et         % 16
  ne -- mo con -- si -- de --      % 18
  rat; a fa -- ci -- e in --       % 20
  i -- qui -- ta -- tis sub --     % 22
  la -- tus est ius -- tus:        % 24
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 26
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 28
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 30
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 34
  In pa -- ce fac -- tus           % 36
  est lo -- cus e -- ius,          % 38
  et in Si -- on ha -- bi --       % 40
  ta -- ti -- o e -- ius,          % 43
  et in Si -- on ha -- bi -- ta -- % 45
  ti -- o e -- ius.                % 47
  Et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 49
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 51
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 53
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 57

tenorNotes = {
  \transpose c' c'' {
    \set Staff.instrumentName = "Tenor"
    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"

    % incipit
    \clef "neomensural-c3"
    c\breve c1 r2 c2. c4 c2 % 5
    \skip 1*1 % extra bar

    % main
    \clef "treble_8"
    c1 | c2 r4 c4~ | c8 c c4 d2~ |            % 4
    d4 c c d~\melisma |                       % 5
    d8 c c4. b,8 b,4\melismaEnd | c2 r4 c |   % 7
    c2 c4 a,~ | a,8 a, a,4 a,2 | a, r4 c4 |   % 10
    f2 e4 d~ | d8 d c4 bes,2 | a, r4 a,4~ |   % 13
    a, b, c2 | c4 c d2 | c r4 f4~ |           % 16
    f d2 cis4 | d c2 c4 | c2 r4 c4 |          % 19
    c4. c8 c4 b, | c d2 cis4 | d2 r4 d4~ |    % 22
    d es2 d4 | c b,2 c4 | r4 f a a |          % 25
    a f2 f4 | d es4. es8 c4 | c2 c |          % 28
    r4 f4 a a | a f2 f4 | d es4. es8 c4 |     % 31
    c2 c~ | c1~ | c1 ||                       % 34
    r4 f2 e4 | f c2 c4 | d f2 e4 |            % 37
    d2 cis2 | r4 e2 e4 | f2 f4 g |            % 40
    g g4. g8 f4 | g1 | a2 r4 e4~ |            % 43
    e e f2 | f4 g g g~ |                      % 45
    g8 g f4 g2~ | g a |                       % 47
    r4 f4 a a | a f2 f4 |                     % 49
    d es4. es8 c4 | c2 c |                    % 51
    r4 f4 a a | a f2 f4 |                     % 53
    d es4. es8 c4 | c2 c2~ | c1~ |            % 56
    c1 \bar "|."                              % 57

tenorLyrics = \lyricmode {
  % incipit
  _ _ _ _ _

  % main
  Ec -- ce, quo --                 % 3
  mo -- do mo -- ri -- tur         % 5
  ius -- tus, et ne -- mo per --   % 7
  ci pit cor -- de et              % 10
  ne -- mo per -- ci -- pit cor -- % 12
  de; vi -- ri ius --              % 14
  ti tol -- lun -- tur, et         % 16
  ne -- mo con -- si -- de --      % 18
  rat; a fa -- ci -- e in --       % 20
  i -- qui -- ta -- tis sub --     % 22
  la -- tus est ius -- tus:        % 24
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 26
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 28
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 30
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 34
  In pa -- ce fac -- tus           % 36
  est lo -- cus e -- ius,          % 38
  et in Si -- on ha -- bi --       % 40
  ta -- ti -- o e -- ius,          % 43
  et in Si -- on ha -- bi -- ta -- % 45
  ti -- o e -- ius.                % 47
  Et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 49
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 51
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 53
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 57

bassusNotes = {
  \transpose c' c' {
    \set Staff.instrumentName = "Bassus"
    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"

    % incipit
    \clef "varbaritone"
    f\breve c1 r2 f2. f4 f2 % 5
    \skip 1*1 % extra bar

    % main
    \clef "bass"
    f1 | c2 r4 f4~ | f8 f f4 bes2~ |    % 4
    bes4 f f2 | g1 | c2 r4 c4 |         % 7
    f2 c4 d~ | d8 d a,4 d2 | a, r4 a4 | % 10
    f2 a4 bes~ | bes8 bes f4 g2 |       % 12
    d2 r4 d4~ | d g f2 | f4 f bes,2 |   % 15
    f2 r4 f4~ | f g2 a4 | d f2 f4 |     % 18
    c2 r4 c4 | f4. f8 f4 g | f d a2 |   % 21
    d r4 d4~ | d c2 d4 | f g2 f4 |      % 24
    r4 f4 f f | a bes2 f4 |             % 26
    g es4. es8 f4 | c2 f | r4 f4 f f |  % 29
    a bes2 f4 | g es4. es8 f4 |         % 31
    c2 f~ | f1~ | f1 ||                 % 34
    r4 f4 c2 | f4 f2 f4 |               % 36
    d4 d2 cis4 | d2 a, | r4 a2 c'4 |    % 39
    bes2 f4 c' | c' c'4. c'8 d'4 |      % 41
    c'1 | f2 r4 a4~ | a4 c' bes2 |      % 44
    f4 c' c' c'~ | c'8 c' d'4 c'2~ |    % 46
    c' f | r4 f4 f f | a bes2 f4 |      % 49
    g es4. es8 f4 | c2 f | r4 f4 f f |  % 52
    a bes2 f4 | g es4. es8 f4 | c2 f~ | % 55
    f1~ | f1 \bar "|."                  % 57

bassusLyrics = \lyricmode {
  % incipit
  _ _ _ _ _

  % main
  Ec -- ce, quo --                 % 3
  mo -- do mo -- ri -- tur         % 5
  ius -- tus, et ne -- mo per --   % 7
  ci pit cor -- de et              % 10
  ne -- mo per -- ci -- pit cor -- % 12
  de; vi -- ri ius --              % 14
  ti tol -- lun -- tur, et         % 16
  ne -- mo con -- si -- de --      % 18
  rat; a fa -- ci -- e in --       % 20
  i -- qui -- ta -- tis sub --     % 22
  la -- tus est ius -- tus:        % 24
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 26
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 28
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 30
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 34
  In pa -- ce fac -- tus           % 36
  est lo -- cus e -- ius,          % 38
  et in Si -- on ha -- bi --       % 40
  ta -- ti -- o e -- ius,          % 43
  et in Si -- on ha -- bi -- ta -- % 45
  ti -- o e -- ius.                % 47
  Et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 49
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius,    % 51
  et e -- rit in pa -- ce          % 53
  me -- mo -- ri -- a e -- ius.    % 57

\book {
  \header {
    title = "XIII. Ecce quomodo moritur iustus"
    composer = \markup \center-align {"" \large "Iacobus Gallus (Jakob 
Petelin)" \small "(1550-1591)"}
        mutopiatitle = "XIII. Ecce quomodo moritur iustus"
        mutopiacomposer = "I. Gallus (1550-1591)"
        mutopiainstrument = "Voice, (SATB)"
        source = "Emil Bazecný, Josef Mantuani - DTÖ, 1899-1919"
        style = "Renaissance"
        copyright = "Public Domain"
        maintainer = "Matevž Jekovec"
        maintainerEmail = "address@hidden"
        lastupdated = "2006/Dec/12"

  \markup \column \large \translate #(cons 20 0) {
                            \italic {
                            "  Ecce quomodo moritur iustus, et nemo percipit 
                            "viri iusti tolluntur, et nemo considerat;"
                            "a facie iniquitatis sublatus est iustus:"
                            "et erit in pace memoria eius."
                            "  In pace factus est locus eius, et in Sion 
habitatio eius."
                            "Et erit in pace memoria eius."
                            " " " " " "
                            "  Glejte, kako umira pravični, pa nihče v srcu 
ne čuti."
                            "Žrtev sveti možje so, pa mar ni nobenemu."
                            "Iz kroga je ljudi hudobnih odstranjen pravični."
                            "In večno bo živel v preslavnem spominu."
                            "  Počitka našel je mesto mirno, na Sionu 
prebivališče svoje."
                            "In večno bo živel v preslavnem spominu." " "
                            "    (Janez Podboj, v: J. Aljaž, Slovenska 
pesmarica II, Celovec 1900)"
                            " " " " " "
                            "  Behold, the Righteous dies, but no one feels in 
his heart;"
                            "victims are the righteous ones, but no one 
                            "the Righteous faces iniquity and is being removed:"
                            "And he will live in glorious peace."
                            "  He found his place in peace, his realm in Zion."
                            "And he will live in glorious peace." " "
                            "    (Matevž Jekovec, \"De profundis\" chamber 
choir, Slovenia)"
                            " " " " " " " " " " " "

  \markup \column {
                                                        \italic {
                                                                "Typeset from 
Jacob Handl (Gallus): Opus Musicum, vol. 2, DTÖ 1905,"
                                                                "with minor 
maintainer's tweaks and fixes."
                                                                " " " " " " " "

  \score {
      \context StaffGroup = choirStaff <<
        \context Voice =
          cantusNotes << \global \cantusNotes >>
        \context Lyrics =
          cantusLyrics \lyricsto cantusNotes { \cantusLyrics }
        \context Voice =
          altusNotes << \global \altusNotes >>
        \context Lyrics =
          altusLyrics \lyricsto altusNotes { \altusLyrics }
        \context Voice =
          tenorNotes << \global \tenorNotes >>
        \context Lyrics =
          tenorLyrics \lyricsto tenorNotes { \tenorLyrics }
        \context Voice =
          bassusNotes << \global \bassusNotes >>
      \context Lyrics =
        bassusLyrics \lyricsto bassusNotes { \bassusLyrics }
    \layout {
      indent = 4.0 \cm
      \context {
        \override BarLine #'transparent = ##t
      \context {
        \override Slur #'transparent = ##t

  \midi {
    \context {
      tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 48 2)


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