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Re: Automatically sort alist grob-properties in IR. (issue 102760044)

From: markpolesky
Subject: Re: Automatically sort alist grob-properties in IR. (issue 102760044)
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 06:07:28 +0000

Reviewers: dak,
File scm/document-backend.scm (right):
scm/document-backend.scm:22: (apply eq? #t (map pair? x))))
On 2014/05/28 00:00:58, dak wrote:
(apply eq? #t (map pair? x)) is horribly contorted and subject
to limitations in argument list length.  Use (every pair? x)
which has the advantage of short-circuit evaluation.

Ah, that's the procedure I was looking for, thanks!  Sorry, I didn't
know about that one.

Also, it seems like a stretch to assume that every list with
pair members will tolerate sorting.

Do you mean that
1) the order of keys in some alists may be significant?
2) my code might trigger a scheme error during sorting?

Regarding #1, I *am* assuming that key-order is irrelevant, but if
that's misguided, let me know.  Regarding #2, I thought my definition of
`ly:alist<?' covered that with the `else' clause:

  (ly:string<? (object->string (car a))
               (object->string (car b))))

You do not even restrict this to lists with symbols in the car
and explicitly sort lists with non-symbols.
That seems like a bad idea.

Not trying to be annoying (really), but why?
File scm/lily-sort.scm (right):
scm/lily-sort.scm:112: ((and (number? (car a)) (number? (car b)))
On 2014/05/28 00:00:58, dak wrote:
Can you point to any "alists" where the keys are numbers?  This seems
fishy to me.

'((0 . accidentals.natural)
  (-1/2 . accidentals.flat)
  (1/2 .
  (1 . accidentals.doublesharp)
  (-1 . accidentals.flatflat)
  (3/4 .
  (1/4 .
  (-1/4 . accidentals.mirroredflat)
  (-3/4 . accidentals.mirroredflat.flat))

Finally, for what it's worth, here's the list of all alist

- Mark

Automatically sort alist grob-properties in IR.
Also, rewrite sorting code to be easier to understand.

This will ensure that grob-properties whose default values are alists
(like 'details or 'glyph-name-alist) will get sorted by key before being
displayed in the IR section `All layout objects'.

Please review this at

Affected files (+67, -28 lines):
  M scm/document-backend.scm
  M scm/lily-sort.scm

Index: scm/document-backend.scm
diff --git a/scm/document-backend.scm b/scm/document-backend.scm
index 80ba17a3ba34cd1958f80fa6b72bae234613c008..272b7f36a7ed9a592740841141476dcfcc204404 100644
--- a/scm/document-backend.scm
+++ b/scm/document-backend.scm
@@ -16,27 +16,50 @@
 ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;;;; along with LilyPond.  If not, see <>.

-(define (sort-grob-properties x)
-  ;; force 'meta to the end of each prop-list
-  (let ((meta (assoc 'meta x)))
-    (append (sort (assoc-remove! x 'meta) ly:alist-ci<?)
-            (list meta))))

-;; properly sort all grobs, properties, and interfaces
+(define (alist? x)
+  (and (list? x)
+       (apply eq? #t (map pair? x))))
+(define (alist-prop? x)
+   (alist? (cdr x)))
+(define (not-alist-prop? x)
+   (not (alist-prop? x)))
+(define (sort-grob-properties x)
+  ;; props that are alists (eg. 'details) get sorted by key.
+  ;; also, force 'meta to the end of each prop-list.
+  (let* ((meta            (assoc 'meta x))
+         (all-but-meta    (assoc-remove! x 'meta))
+         (alist-props     (filter alist-prop? all-but-meta))
+         (non-alist-props (filter not-alist-prop? all-but-meta))
+         (sorted-alist-props
+           (map (lambda (x) (cons (car x)
+                                  (sort (cdr x) ly:alist-ci<?)))
+                alist-props))
+         (all-but-meta-sorted
+ (sort (append sorted-alist-props non-alist-props) ly:alist-ci<?)))
+    (append all-but-meta-sorted (list meta))))
+;; properly sort all properties, and interfaces
 ;; within the all-grob-descriptions alist
- (lambda (x)
-   (let* ((props      (assoc-ref all-grob-descriptions (car x)))
-          (meta       (assoc-ref props 'meta))
-          (interfaces (assoc-ref meta 'interfaces)))
-     (set! all-grob-descriptions
-           (sort (assoc-set! all-grob-descriptions (car x)
-                             (sort-grob-properties
-                              (assoc-set! props 'meta
-                                          (assoc-set! meta 'interfaces
- (sort interfaces ly:symbol-ci<?)))))
-                 ly:alist-ci<?))))
- all-grob-descriptions)
+   (lambda (x)
+     (let* ((grob-key      (car x))
+            (props         (assoc-ref all-grob-descriptions grob-key))
+            (meta          (assoc-ref props 'meta))
+            (interfaces    (assoc-ref meta 'interfaces))
+            (sorted-ifaces (sort interfaces ly:symbol-ci<?))
+            (new-meta      (assoc-set! meta 'interfaces sorted-ifaces))
+            (new-props     (assoc-set! props 'meta new-meta))
+            (sorted-props  (sort-grob-properties new-props)))
+       (set! all-grob-descriptions
+         (assoc-set! all-grob-descriptions grob-key sorted-props))))
+   all-grob-descriptions)
+;; sort all grobs in the all-grob-descriptions alist
+(set! all-grob-descriptions (sort all-grob-descriptions ly:alist-ci<?))

 (define (interface-doc-string interface grob-description)
   (let* ((name (car interface))
Index: scm/lily-sort.scm
diff --git a/scm/lily-sort.scm b/scm/lily-sort.scm
index e05c15a61189b18e42417c517e8a7cb11494bc18..f59b8ba500714210a14c3870f854104e744259fb 100644
--- a/scm/lily-sort.scm
+++ b/scm/lily-sort.scm
@@ -102,15 +102,31 @@
                   (symbol->string b)))

 (define (ly:alist<? a b)
-  "Return #t if the first key of alist A is less than the first key of
-  alist B, using case-sensitive LilyPond sort order.  Keys are assumed to
-  be symbols."
-  (ly:string<? (symbol->string (car a))
-               (symbol->string (car b))))
+  "Return #t if the first key of alist A is less than the first
+  key of alist B, using case-sensitive LilyPond sort order.
+  Keys are assumed to be numbers or symbols."
+   (cond
+     ((and (symbol? (car a)) (symbol? (car b)))
+      (ly:string<? (symbol->string (car a))
+                   (symbol->string (car b))))
+     ((and (number? (car a)) (number? (car b)))
+      (< (car a) (car b)))
+     (else
+      (ly:string<? (object->string (car a))
+                   (object->string (car b))))))

 (define (ly:alist-ci<? a b)
-  "Return #t if the first key of alist A is less than the first key of
-  alist B, using case-insensitive LilyPond sort order.  Keys are assumed
-  to be symbols."
-  (ly:string-ci<? (symbol->string (car a))
-                  (symbol->string (car b))))
+  "Return #t if the first key of alist A is less than the first
+  key of alist B, using case-insensitive LilyPond sort order.
+  Keys are assumed to be numbers or symbols."
+   (cond
+     ((and (symbol? (car a)) (symbol? (car b)))
+      (ly:string-ci<? (symbol->string (car a))
+                      (symbol->string (car b))))
+     ((and (number? (car a)) (number? (car b)))
+      (< (car a) (car b)))
+     (else
+      (ly:string-ci<? (object->string (car a))
+                      (object->string (car b))))))

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