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SVG output problems - TexGyre vs Century Schoolbook - not embedding font

From: James Lowe
Subject: SVG output problems - TexGyre vs Century Schoolbook - not embedding fonts
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2015 10:48:19 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.2.0


Doing a simple

lilypond -dbackend=svg

My SVG output appears to not be embedding the fonts.

>From the Application Usage Guide it states:

"... This creates a single SVG file, without embedded fonts, for every
page of output. It is recommended to install the Century Schoolbook
fonts, included with your LilyPond installation, for optimal rendering.
Under UNIX, simply copy these fonts from the LilyPond directory
(typically ‘/usr/share/lilypond/VERSION/fonts/otf/’) to ‘~/.fonts/’.
There is also an option svg-woff (below) for use of woff font files in
the SVG backend."

1. This needs changing since we have moved away from Century Schoolbook
to these TexGyre fonts right?

2. So assuming that #1 is correct, if I use fc-list to see where all my
'Gyre' fonts are I get this:


address@hidden otf]$ fc-list | grep chool

/usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/c059016l.pfb: Century Schoolbook L:style=Bold
/usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/c059033l.pfb: Century Schoolbook
/usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/c059013l.pfb: Century Schoolbook
/usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/c059036l.pfb: Century Schoolbook
L:style=Bold Italic

address@hidden otf]$ fc-list | grep gyre

/home/james/.fonts/texgyrepagella-italic.otf: TeX Gyre Pagella:style=Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreschola-regular.otf: TeX Gyre Schola:style=Regular
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrepagella-bold.otf: TeX Gyre Pagella:style=Bold
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreschola-italic.otf: TeX Gyre Schola:style=Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreheros-regular.otf: TeX Gyre Heros:style=Regular
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrecursor-bold.otf: TeX Gyre Cursor:style=Bold
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrepagella-bolditalic.otf: TeX Gyre
Pagella:style=Bold Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyretermes-bold.otf: TeX Gyre Termes:style=Bold
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreadventor-italic.otf: TeX Gyre
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrecursor-bolditalic.otf: TeX Gyre
Cursor:style=Bold Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrebonum-bold.otf: TeX Gyre Bonum:style=Bold
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreheros-italic.otf: TeX Gyre Heros:style=Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrecursor-italic.otf: TeX Gyre Cursor:style=Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrebonum-italic.otf: TeX Gyre Bonum:style=Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreheros-bolditalic.otf: TeX Gyre
Heros:style=Bold Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreheroscn-bold.otf: TeX Gyre Heros Cn:style=Bold
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrecursor-regular.otf: TeX Gyre Cursor:style=Regular
/home/james/.fonts/texgyretermes-bolditalic.otf: TeX Gyre
Termes:style=Bold Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreadventor-bold.otf: TeX Gyre Adventor:style=Bold
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreheroscn-italic.otf: TeX Gyre Heros Cn:style=Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreschola-bold.otf: TeX Gyre Schola:style=Bold
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrepagella-regular.otf: TeX Gyre
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrebonum-bolditalic.otf: TeX Gyre
Bonum:style=Bold Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreschola-bolditalic.otf: TeX Gyre
Schola:style=Bold Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrebonum-regular.otf: TeX Gyre Bonum:style=Regular
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreheroscn-regular.otf: TeX Gyre Heros
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreheros-bold.otf: TeX Gyre Heros:style=Bold
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreheroscn-bolditalic.otf: TeX Gyre Heros
Cn:style=Bold Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyretermes-italic.otf: TeX Gyre Termes:style=Italic
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreadventor-regular.otf: TeX Gyre
/home/james/.fonts/texgyretermes-regular.otf: TeX Gyre Termes:style=Regular
/home/james/.fonts/texgyrechorus-mediumitalic.otf: TeX Gyre
/home/james/.fonts/texgyreadventor-bolditalic.otf: TeX Gyre
Adventor:style=Bold Italic


So it looks like I have it all correctly set up - note that I am not
using an 'installed' version but building directly from git and running
lilypond from the build directory with an appropriate $PATH setting..

Does this mean we need to 'fix' the back-end option for SVG or have I
missed something?




B8F4 5395 CBE2 ED37 7513 B075 FF32 5682 A84B D8BE

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