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Re: GUB problem

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Re: GUB problem
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2016 19:07:32 +0100

----- Original Message ----- From: "Masamichi Hosoda" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Cc: <address@hidden>; <address@hidden>
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: GUB problem

In my environment (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bit), the error does not occur.
Would you tell me the environment which the error occurs?

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32 bit.

FYI I had to make a small change to the GMP spec to accommodate 32 bit
- my patch shows what I had to do.

If you don't use the patch, do any errors occur?

Yes:  the terminal output has this:

Tail of target/tools/log/gmp.log >>>>>>>>
in this configuration expects 64 bits.
You appear to have set $CFLAGS, perhaps you also need to tell GMP the
intended ABI, see "ABI and ISA" in the manual.

Anyway, this error means that
cross-compiler gcc (for freebsd-64) tries to open "".

"" is for host OS (perhaps Linux)
instead of for target OS (freebsd-64).

If I understand correctly,
cross-compiler gcc does not need to open "".
I don't know why cross-compiler gcc tries to open "".

Moreover, at least a few weeks ago, the error did not occur.
My recent pull request does not change gcc.
I wonder why cross-compiler gcc began to open "".

Perhaps your fix to librestrict made something work that was not
previously, and so an error is now detected?

I've noticed that this librestrict-error is secondary-effect.

If I understand correctly,
the first error is

x86_64-freebsd6-gcc: internal compiler error: Illegal instruction (program cc1)

Then, gcc tried to open "" for showing debugging information.
So secondary-effect librestrict-error was occured.

To confirm this hypothesis,
would you try the following command and show me the result (config.log etc.)?

$ LIBRESTRICT_ALLOW=/ bin/gub --fresh freebsd-64::fontconfig

Do I issue that command and then restart the GUB compile?

Phil Holmes

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