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Re: snippets manual is not rebuilt

From: Michael Käppler
Subject: Re: snippets manual is not rebuilt
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2020 12:06:23 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.5.1

Hi Federico,
try to delete out-www/it/usage.texi and run 'make doc' again.


Am 15.12.2020 um 06:51 schrieb Federico Bruni:
It's not just the snippets manual.

It just happened with the usage manual. I fixed an error in a menu,
re-run 'make doc' and I keep getting the same error message as if I
did not fix it. But I'm sure I did.

Any other translator confirming the issue? Jean-Charles?

Can someone test the attached patch?


Here's the 'make doc' error I see:

Command: DEPTH=../../ TOP_SRC_DIR=/home/fede/src/lilypond-git
PERL_UNICODE=SD texi2html --prefix=index --split=section
--error-limit=0 -I /home/fede/src/lilypond-git/Documentation/it -I
/home/fede/src/lilypond-git/Documentation/pictures -I
out-www/it/usage/ -I ./out-www/en -I
/home/fede/src/lilypond-git/Documentation/en -I
/home/fede/src/lilypond-git/Documentation/en/included -I ./out-www -I
--output=out-www/it/usage/ out-www/it/usage.texi

** Node following `Variabili d'ambiente' in menu `Relocation' and in
sectionning `Riposizionamento' differ
** `Riposizionamento' doesn't appear in menus
** `Uso da linea di comando' is up for `Riposizionamento', but has no
menu entry for this node
** No node following `Riposizionamento' in menu, but `LilyPond in una
gabbia chroot' follows in sectionning
*** Unknown node in menu entry `Relocation' (in
out-www/it/usage/running.texi l. 59)
Max error number exceeded

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