% incipit for cantus.abc % written by writeincipit.sh on Sun Oct 7 09:21:15 EDT 2001 originalclef=\notes{\clef "mensural2_c1"} firstnote=\notes{ d'2 } range=\notes{} modernclef=\notes{\clef "treble"} keysignature=\notes{\key g \mixolydian } timesignature=\notes{\time 4/4 } %incipit template /home/lconrad/incipit.ly incipitwords=\lyrics{ _ _ } %use this only if necessary %\property Score.barAlways=##t incipit = \notes { \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'mensural \originalclef \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'old \keysignature \timesignature \firstnote \bar "|" % now draw modern clef and key signature in normal font \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'baroque \modernclef \keysignature \property Staff.fontSize = #-1 \property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##t \range \property Staff.fontSize \unset \property Voice.Stem \revert #'transparent \property Staff.barCheckNoSynchronize=##f \bar "|." %\property Staff.barCheckNoSynchronize=##t \context Staff \outputproperty #(make-type-checker 'clef-interface) #'full-size-change = ##t \property Staff.forceClef = ##t \modernclef | } %end incipit \version "1.3.147" \header { composer = "John Dowland" crossRefNumber = "1" footnotes = "\\\\Original clef, C on first line" tagline = "Lily was here 1.3.136 -- automatically converted from ABC" title = "XVII. A shepheard in a shade\\\\Cantus" } wordsdefaultVA = \lyrics { \incipitwords \property LyricsVoice . StanzaNumber \override #'visibility-lambda = #all-visible \property LyricsVoice . stz = "1." A \property LyricsVoice . StanzaNumber \revert #'visibility-lambda Shep- heard in a shade, his plain- ing made, Of love and lo- vers wrong, Un- to the fair- est lasse, that trode on grasse, and thus bee- gan his _ _ song, | Re- store, re- store my hart a- gaine, Which love by thy sweet _ lookes hath _ slaine, least that in- forst by your dis- daine, I sing, Fye fye on love Fye fye on love, it is a fool- ish thing. } wordsdefaultVB = \lyrics { \incipitwords Since love and For- tune will, I hon- our still, your faire and love- ly eye, What con- quest will it bee, Sweet Nimph for thee, If I for sor- row _ _ dye. } wordsdefaultVC = \lyrics { \incipitwords \property LyricsVoice . StanzaNumber \override #'visibility-lambda = #all-visible \property LyricsVoice . stz = "2." My \property LyricsVoice . StanzaNumber \revert #'visibility-lambda hart where have you laid O cru- ell maide, To kill when you might save, Why have yee cast it forth as no- thing worth, with- out a tombe or _ _ grave. | O let it bee in- tombed and lye, In your sweet minde and _ me- mo- _ rie, least I re- sound on e- very war- bling string, Fye fye on love, Fye fye on love, that is a fool- ish thing. } voicedefault = \notes { \property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t \property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'( Left_edge_item Span_bar Breathing_sign Clef_item Staff_bar Key_item time_signature ) \property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t \property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'baroque \property Score.defaultBarType="empty" \incipit \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C \time 4/4 % %MIDI nobarlines \key g \mixolydian % 1 \repeat volta 2 { g'2 g'4 g'4 g'2 g'2 \bar "|" g'2 a'2 b'2. c''4 a'2 r4 a'4 \bar "|" d''2. c''4 b'2 d''2 a'1 % 2 d'2 d'4 e'4 fis'2 g'2 \bar "|" a'2 b'2 c''2 b'2 a'2 r4 b'4 \bar "|" a'4 g'4 g'2. fis'8 e'8 fis'!2 g'1 } \repeat volta 2 { \key g \dorian \time 4/4 bes'4 bes'2 bes'4 bes'2 d''2 % 3 c''2 bes'2 a'2. f'4 \bar "|" a'2. g'4 f'2 g'4 f'4 e'4 d'4 e'2 d'1 \bar "|" d'2 e'2 f'2 e'4 g'2 f'4 bes'2 a'2 g'2 \bar "|" fis'2 % 4 d''2. c''4 bes'2 a'2 d''2. c''4 bes'2 \bar "|" a'2 r4 d'4 f'2 bes'2 a'2. a'4 g'1 } }\score{ \notes < \addlyrics \context Staff="default" { \voicedefault } \context Lyrics="default" < \context LyricsVoice = "default-1" { \wordsdefaultVA } { \wordsdefaultVB } \context LyricsVoice = "default-2" { \wordsdefaultVC } > > \paper { } \midi {} }