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stanza titles

From: Suzanne E. Blatt
Subject: stanza titles
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 22:51:04 -0500

I have two songs, both with multiple stanzas and a refrain.  I can get both 
printed out just fine with one exception.  One has "Verse 1" "Verse 2" before 
the verses and the other doesn't.  I cannot see any differences between the two 
codes (two editor windows side by side and scrolling down both) and I don't get 
any error messages.  I have added a copy of the code for each song below.  Any 


The song that DOES have Verse titles:

\score { \notes { \addlyrics
        \notes \relative c' {
    \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t
    \clef violin
    \key a \major
    \time 3/4 
        e4 a \stemDown b d (  ) cis b
    \stemUp a e fis e2 e4
    fis gis a e2 (  ) e4 
    fis gis a \stemDown b2 \stemUp e,4 
    e a \stemDown b d cis b 
    \stemUp a e fis e2 [ e8 e ] 
    fis4 gis a  e a gis 
    a2. (  ) a2 [ e8 e ] 
    fis4 gis a  e a gis 
    a2. (  ) a ( 
    ) a (  ) a2 d,4  }
        \lyrics \context Lyrics <
          \context LyricsVoice = "Verse-1" {
             \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "Verse 1"                  
            Praise for the light - that 
            shines through the night, from 
            dark- ness to light, from 
            death to new life, and 
            praise to the morn- ing that 
            brings forth the sun, to - 
            o- pen our eyes to the 
            Lord! - To - 
            o- pen our eyes to the 
            Lord! - 
            - - For 
          \context LyricsVoice = "Verse-2" {
             \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "Verse 2"
                        Praise for the wa- ter that 
            springs from the sea, the 
            seed that gives life to 
            all who be- lieve, God's 
            love o- ver- flow- ing, our 
            hearts know the joy to be 
            daugh- ters and sons of the 
            Lord! - To be 
            daugh- ters and sons of the 
            Lord! - 
            - - For 
      \context LyricsVoice = "Verse-3" {
             \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "Verse 3"
            Praise for the sing- ing and 
            praise for the dance, with 
            new heart and voice, - 
            all raise the song of 
            praise to cre- a- tion; all 
            heav- en and earth, come - 
            sing of the glo- ry of 
            God! - Come - 
            sing of the glo- ry of 
            God! - 
            - - For 
     \paper {  papersize = letter
                  pagenumber = 0
                  linewidth = 160.00 \mm
                  textheight = 210.00 \mm
                  indent = 0


The song that DOESN'T have Verse titles:

\score { \notes { \addlyrics
         \notes \relative c' {
     \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t
     \clef violin
     \key g \major
     \time 4/4 
        r2. [ g'8 g ] \stemDown d'2 ( ) c4 b 
    \stemUp a g2 [ g8 g ] \stemDown d'2 ( ) c4 b
    \stemUp a g2 ( [ ) g8 g ] \stemDown c2 b 
    \stemUp a g | a1 ( ) a
    \lyrics \context Lyrics <
       \context LyricsVoice = "Verse-1" {
         \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "Verse 1"
                        I will give you a 
                new heart, a new spir- it with- 
            in you, - for I will 
            be your strength. - }
       \context LyricsVoice = "Verse-2" {
          \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "Verse 2"
                - - Seek - my 
            face, - and - see - your 
            God, - - for I will 
            be your hope. - }
       \context LyricsVoice = "Verse-3" {
          \property LyricsVoice . stanza = "Verse 3"
                Re - turn - to 
            me, - with - all - your 
            heart, - - and I will 
            bring you back. - }
\paper {    papersize = letter
            linewidth = 150.00 \mm
            textheight = 210.00 \mm
            pagenumber = 0 
            indent = 0 }

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