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Re: how to define rehersal marks globally?

From: Peter Bjuhr
Subject: Re: how to define rehersal marks globally?
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2015 14:50:04 +0200
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On 2015-09-04 18:32, David Kastrup wrote:
>When I have a score, how can I define rehersal marks globally (instead of in 
every voice) so that they appear in every other voice, when I print it out  (like 
>global= {
>   \time 4/4
>   \key c \major

Well, the following might be relying a bit much on current semantics but
at least now it appears to do the trick.

global =
   \new Devnull \violinOne

If you already have a variable with all the rehearsal marks I agree with David's suggestion to use that as a Devnull. But if you are starting on a new score I think it's a better solution to create the rehearsal marks and other common stuff as an own variable, at least it's what I'd prefer.


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