Just in case this doesn’t make it to the poll stage…
>>>This thread makes me wonder: what's the average age of LilyPond users and
>>Remind me in two weeks and I'll start a poll on Scores of Beauty ...
>I send in this reminder not because I'm especially interested in ages, but it
would be interesting to know more about stuff like editor usage and if LilyPond is
used for original compositions or for engraving existing compositions.
Age: I am 46 (as of two weeks ago)
Editor Usage: I recently switched to using Frescobaldi, after more than a
decade of using Lilypad (i.e., the built-in editor that ships with the Mac OS X
Lilypond Usage: I am a composer. (Actually, as of my birthday I’m now a full-time
composer: I “retired” from my erstwhile dual career in music and computer
programming.) So, naturally, >95% of my Lilypond usage is for engraving
original compositions. (I do transcribe/transpose/etc. a few existing compositions
from time to time, but that’s a very small part of my overall workflow.)