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Re: Rendering cropped SVG

From: David Wright
Subject: Re: Rendering cropped SVG
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 15:32:45 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

Quoting address@hidden (address@hidden):
> I'm using Mac OS. There are no programs accessing the
> files. However, I just noticed that everything is alright the first
> time I render the file. But the second time, when the existing svg
> file needs to be overwritten, the ps file won't get deleted. When I
> delete both the svg and the ps, the ps is deleted again after the next
> run.

Is there some sort of version control going on in the background?
After all, in your script you have:
pdfcrop --margins 1 '$file_base_name.pdf' '$file_base_name.pdf'
where the output filename is the same as the input filename.

If there is, could your script be deleting a "wrong" version.

(AFAICT in linux, the ps/pdf conversion and deletion is done within
the lilypond binary. I seem to recall a time when the .ps got left
behind but I just deleted it in my script. Linux ext filesystems allow
you to delete files whether or not other processes still have them open.)


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