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Re: Rendering cropped SVG

From: potoroo
Subject: Re: Rendering cropped SVG
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 22:50:07 +0200

I'm not using any version control here. Notice that the pdf file is deleted 
correctly all the time, only the temporary ps file stays. And I'm not doing 
anything with the ps file after summoning Lilypond. I've used Lilypond before 
without having trouble with the temporary files. I guess I'll just install the 
developer version as suggested.

> Am 15.09.2015 um 22:32 schrieb David Wright <address@hidden>:
> Quoting address@hidden (address@hidden):
>> I'm using Mac OS. There are no programs accessing the
>> files. However, I just noticed that everything is alright the first
>> time I render the file. But the second time, when the existing svg
>> file needs to be overwritten, the ps file won't get deleted. When I
>> delete both the svg and the ps, the ps is deleted again after the next
>> run.
> Is there some sort of version control going on in the background?
> After all, in your script you have:
> pdfcrop --margins 1 '$file_base_name.pdf' '$file_base_name.pdf'
> where the output filename is the same as the input filename.
> If there is, could your script be deleting a "wrong" version.
> (AFAICT in linux, the ps/pdf conversion and deletion is done within
> the lilypond binary. I seem to recall a time when the .ps got left
> behind but I just deleted it in my script. Linux ext filesystems allow
> you to delete files whether or not other processes still have them open.)
> Cheers,
> David.

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