Am 16.09.2015 um 11:14 schrieb BB:
Obviously the Lilypond users are overaged?
I very much hope that our recent "inofficial survey" is biased for
whatever reasons. But I admit this impression is very strong.
Is there a kind of "curriculum", eventually with Open Office overhead
slides ready to use for an introductory training on an adult education
center (in Germany Volkshochschule (VHS)) available.
Not that I know of, but it's a good idea, and I've had the wish to start
compiling such material for quite a long time. Unfortunately that
probably won't happen without a concrete opportunity.
May be some
skilled users ma offer such an itroduction to raise lilyponds
popularity? Usually there are offered weekend workshops or courses
regular an evening per week for people in work. Eventually it might be
used in music education on schools?
Good idea.
I know that in some universities there are people offering LilyPond
courses, with mixed result/acceptance. But it definitely should be much
more, and I think people should get hooked to text based tools as early
as possible, before they are too much tied to their shiny clickediclick
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