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Re: Chords and what they mean

From: BB
Subject: Re: Chords and what they mean
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 09:58:18 +0200
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On 20.09.2015 03:30, Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote:
> I suppose that this is because some people (and Lilypond) think that
> C:sus2 is equally as valid or usual interpretation of "sus", and

May be I misundertand this? c:sus2 works with Lilypond and IS a valid
chord often used in pop/rock, not so frequently used in jazz? May be I
am wrong.

Of course sus2 is used.

The question is more like:  if you saw Csus, would you know how to interpret it musically?
Or would you be stuck in your tracks wondering, "is this a sus2, sus4, both?  something else?"

c:sus is working correctly getting root and 5, but indeed is an "unconventional" _expression_ to get a C5 ...

I tend to think that the sus implies 4, unless otherwise noted.

Why? Why not 2 or 3 or 5 or 6 or 7? I disagree!

But, now that I understand it a little better, I don't have any issue with the way lilypond is organized regarding sus and the input syntax.
Although adding the powerchords to the chord symbol exceptions seems like it might unconfuse many people who are trying to write these chord symbols.

Rereading the chord example I found the shown line to be wrong, as you first suspend the 3 with sus but add a 3 afterwards and so you will really get a C chord.
The line with c:1.4.2 is wrong as well. I add a reversed and extended test version - please check yourself

\version "2.19.25"

#(set-global-staff-size 30)

chordtest = \chordmode {

c:sus %power chord Lilypond calls it wrong as C

c:sus3 % power chord Lilypond calls it correctly as C

c:sus5 %power chord Lilypond calls it wrong as C

c:1.4.5 % equal to:


c:1.5.2 % equal to:


c:sus3 % normal c major chord Lilypond calls it correctly as C

c:5.3 % normal c major chord Lilypond calls it correctly as C

c:5.3+ % normal c major chord Lilypond calls it correctly as C, 3+ is written as e# c:sus6




<< \context ChordNames \chordtest

\context Voice \chordtest


:sus will intelligently be ignored. From a standpoint of logic Lilypond works perfect with c:sus7and c:7 sus, even as this is not a conventional handling of chord extension. Check youself if you would call one or another wrong ...

The only problem I see is naming the chords with the sus correctly. This
happens with c:sus5, c:sus3 and c:sus as Lilypond calls it C instead of
There is a little confusion in my mind about what you want, exactly.

That was only just my statement to and a check of to the naming convention of Liypond. In a process of software development one would call it "debugging" ...
I get Lilypond as ist is and have to use it as it is.

Using software means smart handling the chaos and I loved it in my professional career.

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