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Re: Violin notation advice requested

From: Marcos Press
Subject: Re: Violin notation advice requested
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 15:29:32 +0200


From my experience as violinist wich I still are :) I can say that:

- The lower information is an alternative. Wich you use depending on your likes on interpretation. Basically, because the same note in different position and string sounds quite... diferent.
- Digits for Finguers.
- Roman numbers for Strings.
- In doble stops, it is normal to have the upper digit for the upper note and the lower for the lowers note ;) but these are writted toguether, not up and down the system but in the same line one over the other in a fraction way (like the time signature)

In your image of the Bach violin concert, you pass over a 3 and 1 fingering posibility after the reharshal mark C at the b note.
What it sais is that you can play the b note at the II string with finger 1 wich gives you the note in first position, or you can play it with the 3 finger over the III string arriving to the 3º position.
Since it had not string indication, one can be crasy enough to try and play with finger 1 on the III string ;) wich gives you the 5th position, probably a nice sound and probably an awfull way back to confort :) Just for fun!
There are plenty of posibilities.

It seams that the editor, aparently in a way of trying a clear view (because he didn't had Lilypond) decide to omit the number of the string, so it doesn't overlapp with the p (piano) symbol.

Except that its indicated in the symbol index at the begining of the score that Roman numbers are positions (wich could be the case of an educational method book for practicing position changing), Roman numbers are for Strings. I - e; II - a; III - d; IV - g.

Hopes it helps.

Sorry my writting ;P

2015-09-19 22:50 GMT+02:00 Ralph Palmer <address@hidden>:
On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Chris Yate <address@hidden> wrote:

No, It's quite common to indicate the string by Roman numerals. Printed music would hardly ever indicate position, but it is normal to see either "sul G" or "IV".

Actually, I have occasionally seen (and used on scores, myself) Roman numeral designation of position. I find it confusing when I see Roman numerals for strings; I much prefer "G" or "sul G". Less ambiguous to me.

All the best,


Ralph Palmer
Brattleboro, VT

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