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Re: Ancient tab, letters alignment.

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: Ancient tab, letters alignment.
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 18:18:38 +0200
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On 21.09.2015 17:52, David Kastrup wrote:
Pierre Perol-Schneider <address@hidden> writes:

Hi List,

I need to get an ancient tab with a standard markup alignment instead of
the default vertical one.
Unfortunately, this code has no effect:

\version "2.18.2"

   (my-fret-letter-tablature-format context string-number fret-number)
  (let ((labels (ly:context-property context 'fretLabels)))
   ;; changed from make-vcenter-markup
   ;; has no effect:
     ((= 0 (length labels))
      (string (integer->char (+ fret-number (char->integer #\a)))))
     ((and (<= 0 fret-number) (< fret-number (length labels)))
      (list-ref labels fret-number))
      (ly:warning "No label for fret ~a (on string ~a); only ~a fret labels
                  fret-number string-number (length labels))

Any idea?
I'll create a patch making this less hard-wired.  I'm not sure about
what our default should be, however.

I checked some lute tablature I had here as part of a partitura in order
to see what alignment is appropriate.  Good grief.  In the lute tab, the
letters were not crossing the staff lines but were _above_ them.
Alignment was definitely _centered_ vertically rather than on a
baseline.  Except for the letters on the top line: those were either
baseline-adjusted, or bottom-aligned (hard to say but probably the
latter).  Good grief.  I certainly hope that this tab (1953) was not

I don’t have much experience with tabs, but can reference some historic prints: London 1613 <,_John,_The_Firste_Booke_of_Songes,_FE_Come_again.pdf> Rome 1616 <,_Pietro_Paolo)> Breitkopf 1760 <,_Lieder_und_Fabeln_%28Beyer,_Johann_Christian%29>

In case it be of help.

Yours, Simon

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