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Re: How to correctly compile the Messiah from Neuvar's Site.

From: Michael Gerdau
Subject: Re: How to correctly compile the Messiah from Neuvar's Site.
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2015 05:16:57 +0200
User-agent: KMail/4.14.10 (Linux/4.1.6-1-ARCH; KDE/4.14.12; x86_64; ; )

> I am needing help correctly compiling Handel's Messiah from the following
> website:
> When I get into the scores.ily and attempt to just compile them I get so
> many errors:

Have you tried to convert-ly these files ?
They have been written for 2.13.8 according to the website.

It seems at least some files lack a version statement. Actually I have
found not one such statement but I did not check all files.

So you need to insert
\version "2.13.8"
at the top of each file (*.ly and *.ily) and then apply convert-ly to
all of them.

Look up convert-ly in the manual under

Frescobaldi provides an interface to convert-ly

> Am I even compiling his .ily files correctly as I have never compiled .ily
> files? Forgive me if I should already know how to do this. I typically
> use Frescobaldi to compile all my lily files. Thanks so much!

*.ily are by convention files supposed to be included by other ly files.
Nothing special about them. you could use any other name (and include

 Michael Gerdau       email: address@hidden
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