>> I have now downloaded his entire zip file and am using the code
>> suggested by Simon (I think) which is:
>> address@hidden:~/Documents/nenuvar-master/Haendel$ m
>> and keep getting the error message:
>> make: *** No rule to make target 'Haendel/Oratorio/Messiah'. Stop.
>> I am trying this in the directory: Documents/Haendel
>> I also tried this in Documents/Haendel/Oratorio/Messiah but to no avail.
> here a full rundown of what I did.
> 1. I'm on Linux with make installed. Not sure about other OS'es. You
> also need a commandline (bash in my case)
> 2. I've downloaded the whole zip from
https://github.com/nsceaux/nenuvar> As of yesterday it was almost 8MB in size.
> 3. I've extracted this zip. That created a directory nenuvar-master in
> the current directory. I cd'd into it (cd nenuvar-master)
> [it is completely irrelevant where in your filesystem this located
> as everything below nenuvar-master is self contained -- in other words
> nenuvar-master is freely relocateable]
> 4. Inside .../nenuvar-master I issued
> make Haendel/Oratorio/Messiah
> and that created said score (with some warnings)
> All references to files are relative to .../nenuvar-master
> I'm pretty sure compiling the score requires LP 2.19.x to compile
> out-of-the-box. I'm using 2.19.27. I haven't tested 2.18.2 but would not
> be surprised if that fails.
> As I already wrote in another mail, you could get a complete list of
> valid make targets when you issue (inside ../nenuvar-master)
> grep ":" Makefile | grep -v .PHONY | sed -e "s/:.*//"
> When you do not get a rather lengthy list (in my case 396 lines) with
> targets then you are either not in the correct directory or have
> downloaded the wrong file. Or something completely different ;)
> Last not least the score requires the scorlatti font.
> Either get it from
http://fonts.openlilylib.org/> or remove the \paper block in common/common.ily lines 18-22
> HTH,
> Michael
> PS: Please trim your mails in that you copy only the stuff into your
> mail, that is somewhat relevant to your issue. There is no need to
> include msg regarding textspanner when you ask about Compiling
> Nenuvar Editions.