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Re: Having some trouble getting LilyPond to run on the command line

From: BB
Subject: Re: Having some trouble getting LilyPond to run on the command line
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 15:29:44 +0200
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If you are on Linux type
find lilypond in a trminal window to check if and where lilypond is on your machine.

To refine your search check
find -help
for options, in short:
find {dir-name} -name {file-name} action

On 25.09.2015 09:18, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 25.09.2015 um 09:04 schrieb David Kastrup:
Federico Bruni <address@hidden> writes:

Il giorno ven 25 set 2015 alle 4:28, Daniel Miller
<address@hidden> ha scritto:
I'm new to the mailing list. I'm hoping that someone can give me
some help with getting LilyPond to run on the command line. I
followed the steps at for
installation. I then got through step 3, creating lilypond-book,
convert-ly, etc. However, I'm stuck on chmod u+x lilypond. That
returns an error:

chmod: lilypond: No such file or directory.
Make sure you are in the correct directory, as explained on the
website. Type these two commands in the terminal:

cd ~/bin

If you see a file called lilypond, then you can change the permissions:

chmod +x lilypond
And if it already fails at the cd command, you might want to do

mkdir ~/bin


Well, if there is no ~/bin then there won't be a lilypond inside.

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