Hello All:
I am attempting to typeset some fingerstyle guitar music. We extensively use the TabStaff for the visual representation of this music. I have a lot of trouble with Slurs and Ties in the TabStaff. If I could individually instantiate Slurs and Ties my life would be much easier. I think that the easiest way to do this is through a scheme function involving SlurEvent and Spanners. However, my coding is not up to this at the moment.
I really like the solution that was proposed for Issue 3031:
However, it truly doesn't do anything. Could someone enlightenment me as to why it isn't doing anything?
An example of what I want is attached as well as a brief snippet of code which demonstrates that I am unable to get the desired effect.
\version "2.18.2"
\new TabStaff {
< bis'\1 g\4>16[( < fis'\2 ees\5> < g d>)]
Thank you very much,
Rachael Carlson