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Re: left pointing note heads

From: tisimst
Subject: Re: left pointing note heads
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2015 23:08:43 -0700 (MST)


Did you look at the Walker shape-notes? See

You can always create the triangles using the \path or \postscript markup command to create the stencil and then assign them in a NoteHead override.
See for more details.

And lastly, here are some helpful snippets that seem related to your task: (associating drum notes with custom notehead stencils) (using postscript to create notehead stencil) (assigning notehead stencil based on pitch) (using make-connected-path-stencil to make custom shapes)


On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 9:15 PM, johan buelens [via Lilypond] <[hidden email]> wrote:


allow me to introduce myself: i’m a newbie to the third power, namely to this list, to lilypond, and to taiko drumming.

(so bear with me … )

the japanese art of drumming has always been an oral tradition, nothing was ever written down — not the techniques, nor the music.  but westerners tend to favor written music, so many taiko teachers outside of japan invented their own notation.

my teachers’s notation, however, looks to me rather like a rube goldberg solution looking for a problem …

so i turned to lilypond and at first glance, the tambourine notation looked the part.  however, kumi-daiko is highly stylised, and it is very important to strike the drum with the left or right hand at certain times.  the notation i found in other persussion styles consists in adding the letters "R" or "L" above each note, but this gets confusing in fast passages.  (and it is not very universal, as french speaking people for instance would certainly only understand "D" or "G" …)

i looked at different notations, for instance adding ">" or "<" above the notes to depict the right or left hand, but this also gets busy, and conflicts with other uses of these signs.

so i thought about pointing the heads of the notes to the left or the right, which seems quite intuitive.  (remember that this notation is intended to be used by many people who have never seen, let understood, a music score.  so the simpler, the better.)

if the note heads or the note stems should remain aligned over the staves, i don’t know yet, although i’m inclined to the latter method.

i looked at the feta font, but found no left pointing note heads.

i tried stencils, but didn’t succeed (remember i’m an absolute beginner). 

any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

(and if i didn’t express myself clearly enough, i’ll post some photoshoped examples to illustrate my point.)

best regards,

johan buelens
duizendbladlaan 24
3090 overijse
+32 (0)475 785 426

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