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Re: RFC: new location for openLilyLib repository

From: Jan-Peter Voigt
Subject: Re: RFC: new location for openLilyLib repository
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 19:52:06 +0100
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Am 12.11.2015 um 19:38 schrieb Urs Liska:

Am 12. November 2015 17:56:51 MEZ, schrieb Jan-Peter Voigt <address@hidden>:
Hi Urs,

this is a great idea! This would mean development of an API for
plugins/modules - and anybody can develop against that API ...
Well, actually this is more or less in place already now. Re-building OLL would 
give the opportunity to iron out a few glitches. I intentionally refrained from 
pushing more than the handful of libraries to the new structure.
I know, there is already a structure, that means "place a folder with a named include-file in there - then include it. But you and Matteo wrote about packaging things. So there is space for a \usepackage thing ;)
I am at work right now, so now for short:

The solution c would be nice, but I would say, we should stay on github

... we have other work to do and life offline ;)
That doesn't really answer my question. *Moving* to the new location would mean 
zero work as I have Gitlab running and in use already. The issue us the 
It is the maintenance to have it runningas a service, as you just answered Frederico. If you can say, that is OK, I would appreciate a solution with a address!

Best, Jan-Peter

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