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Re: tips for formatting an interview

From: Federico Bruni
Subject: Re: tips for formatting an interview
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2015 20:57:05 +0100

Il giorno dom 15 nov 2015 alle 8:21, Jacques Menu <address@hidden> ha scritto:
Hello Federico,

How about:

\markup {
  \hspace #8
  \column {
    \override-lines #'(line-width . 30)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiu smod tempor

  \hspace #5

  \column \italic {
    \override-lines #'(line-width . 30)
Duis aute irure dolor in rep rehende rit in volup tate velit esse cillum dolore eu Duis aute irure dolor in rep rehende rit in volup tate velit esse cillum dolore eu
  \hspace #1

Hello Jacques

Thanks for this example, but this forces you to decide in advance which part of text should go into each column. If you change the paper size, you'll have to move some text from one column to another. I was hoping there was a markup list command to achieve this automatically.

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