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Re: Multiple fingering and glides

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: Multiple fingering and glides
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 11:47:26 +0200

Am Di., 6. Aug. 2024 um 05:14 Uhr schrieb Fennel <>:
> Multiple fingerings are being used because I'm working on a heavily annotated 
> edition of a work that suggests multiple sets of fingerings for a single 
> passage.

To summarize, alternative fingerings, right?

> I'm currently choosing to engrave harmonic symbols (the flageolets) as 
> fingering objects as well because I need them to behave like fingering 
> objects instead of script objects.


> I will open an issue!
Further discussion about the issue at hand there at GitLab.

> Though I fear the solution for me right now will be monkeying around in an 
> SVG editor to make the notation.

Here an (admittedly ugly) workaround for your example:

thumb = \finger\markup\fontsize #5 \musicglyph "plus"
flageolet = \finger\markup\fontsize #4 \musicglyph "scripts.flageolet"

\new Staff
    \relative c'' {
      %% -\hide -3 is a placeholder for the Fingering from NullVoice
      a-\hide -3 \thumb_\flageolet^\flageolet
      a_3^\thumb^\flageolet a a a a a_2^1 a_3^2
      a_\thumb_\flageolet^3^\flageolet a_3^\thumb a a a a_\thumb_\flageolet^1
      a_1^\thumb a_2 a_3 a_2

    \new NullVoice
      \with {
        \consists Finger_glide_engraver
        \consists Fingering_engraver
        %% `staff-padding` likely needs to be adjusted frequently
        \override Fingering.staff-padding = 1.5
        s16 a\glide -3 a-3


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