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Chords above staff

From: Walt North
Subject: Chords above staff
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2024 09:00:27 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Below is a sample of an issue I am having with chords, Voice, and Lyrics.  I want the chords to be above the voice line.  But in this case it printing between the voice line and the lyrics.  But if I comment out the  "intro" section then the chords print as expected. I am intentionally leaving chords out of the intro section - I want them to come in when the voice starts..

Thanks for any insight

Walt North

\version "2.24.2"

chrds = \chordmode {
  a1:m    | }

verseOneNotes = \relative c' {
  \partial 2 e4 g |
  a2. c4 |

verseOneLyric = \lyricmode {
  Far o- ver the

intro = <<
  \new Voice {
    \section  \sectionLabel \markup { \box \bold \fontsize #-1   "Intro" }

verseOne = <<
  \new ChordNames { \partial 2 r2 | \chrds }
  \new Voice = "One" {
    \section  \sectionLabel \markup { \box \bold \fontsize #-1   "Verse One" }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "One" {\verseOneLyric }

sc = {
  \intro \break
  \verseOne \break

\score { \sc }

If I comment out the intro as below then the chords show as expected.

sc = {
%  \intro \break

\score { \sc }

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