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Re: Compiling on ish

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: Compiling on ish
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 04:55:17 +0000 (UTC)

>>> I was working on the tests for fontforge and one failed because I
>>> didn't have some python module installed that it needed.
>> What exactly do you mean with 'working on the tests'?
> I had to compile fontforge from source because it wasn't in the
> repos.  I was doing "make check" for the tests, I think it was test
> 68 or something that wouldn't work because of the missing modules.
> It could be that was all that was needed, but I was sick of it not
> working so that's why I compiled it with all the optional flags.

OK.  Please report this to the FontForge people, since the missing
module should already be identified in the configuration phase IMHO
(and configuration should then abort properly), as you have found out
the hard way.


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