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Re: Percussion with lyrics

From: Saul Tobin
Subject: Re: Percussion with lyrics
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 15:10:45 -0400

Just responding to one piece of this: the NullVoice context was created specifically for the use case of rhythmically aligning lyrics to invisible notes. Devnull, as you discovered, just sends musical events into a black hole. It might be worth another attempt with your existing approach, but using NullVoice. Despite the name, NullVoice is aliased to both Staff and to Voice, so you can use NullVoice within a score block without having to put it inside a Staff.


On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 1:01 PM Christ van Willegen <> wrote:

I've been promoted from singing the Tenor voice to playing Percussion in our choir.

To help me, and perhaps other people, playing the percussion rhythms, I tried creating Lilypond files with just the lyrics, aligned to the beats of the melody, and the percussion staff in it. I thought I had a working file for one song, but it totally failed on another one...

I tried adapting the Leadsheet example, and found that using \new Devnull instead of \new Staff will get rid of the melody Staff, but then the lyrics don't align with the rhythms any more... at least, not in my second try with this setup!

Before I dive into creating an MWE, is there anyone on the list who has a working template for:

- Lyrics (either in full measure bits, or each set to their own note)
- Melody (I have a lot of lyrics and melodies already set in Lilypond, so being able to re-use this would be great!)
- PercussionStaff

Christ van Willegen

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