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Changing the shape of a tie in a chord

From: Knute Snortum
Subject: Changing the shape of a tie in a chord
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 13:56:43 -0700

How do you change the shape of a tie that's in a chord?  In the following example, neither \shape command has any effect. 

\version "2.24.4"

tieShapeA = \shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . -1) (0 . -1) (0 . 0)) \etc
tieShapeB = \shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . -1) (0 . -1) (0 . 0)) Tie

\relative {
  <c'~ g' -\tieShapeA ~ c~>4 q2.
  <c~ \single \tieShapeB g'~ c~>4 q2.

Knute Snortum

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