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[Linphone-developers] Bug report iOS CallKit

From: Mirco Moretti
Subject: [Linphone-developers] Bug report iOS CallKit
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 10:30:21 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

To whom it may concern,

I've a strange bug, I updated my Linphone-based iOS application from the release 4.x to the last 5.2 release, with SDK 5.3.57 (iOS 17.5.1).

The problem is:

- I do a first call to my iOS app

- the app woke up, show a "fake" call, then the CallKit updates and shows the real call, and I can answer correctly.

- I do a second call (or more than one) from the same caller to the same device

- The CallKit with no caller appears just for few seconds, then it disappear and the call is lost (still ringing from the caller)

I look into the logs (attached), and I found:

2024-07-19 09:39:48:223 [linphone/liblinphone] ERROR [pushkit] terminating call prematuraly because a call with call-id [206] was found in the past.
2024-07-19 09:39:48:223 [linphone/liblinphone] ERROR [pushkit] the past call with same call-id was: Incoming call with call-id: 206 at Thu Jul 18 10:08:33 2024

206 is the caller number, what does it means this error?

I understand that after the first call from that number, next calls with the same number are terminated, but I don't understand why, what is the necessity?

How to solve this?

I look forward to hearing from you,

Many Thanks!

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