ok, thanks
Rocco ^_^
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 3:20 AM, Felipe de Andrade Neves
address@hiddencom>> wrote:
In the HTTP protocol the webserver has no authorization to perform
any action. It does only answer browsers requests. All this super
interactive websites works this way, always using GET and/or POST
methods. That is why _javascript_ exists, it turns on the possibility
to browsers perform advanced actions in order
to generally improve user experience.
If you want a peace of page that auto refreshes, it must be achieved
by GET and POST requests through a _javascript_ on the command.
I'd suggest you to read a good HTML+Ajax book.
2011/10/3 Rocco Brandi
I asked because I use lwIP and the httpd-server raw to implement
my web server. I thought that maybe someone else has already
done what I'm trying to do, that is send, through lwIP, a web
page to a browser without an explicit "get" command from the
browser itself. the more straight solution would be that the web
page asks a refresh every N seconds, like the example in
freeRTOS, but I'd like to avoid it and let the web server hanlde it
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:49 PM,
address@hidden>> wrote:
In which respect is this question lwIP-related? There's
nothing lwIP can do for you here, you'll want to find out
more about web programming, I guess...
Rocco Brandi wrote:
Hi everyone!
I have a web page that shows the content of some memory
locations that I use as registers. I'd like that when the
value of some of these registers changes, the web server
will send the updated page and refresh the browser.
how can I do it?
up to now, my web server only responde to "GET" command
from the browser
Thanks, Rocco ^_^