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Re: [GMG-Devel] redmine -> trac: status; please read

From: will kahn-greene
Subject: Re: [GMG-Devel] redmine -> trac: status; please read
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2012 09:22:30 -0500
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On Tue 24 Jan 2012 02:00:31 AM EST, Nathan Yergler wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 6:59 PM, Will Kahn-Greene <address@hidden> wrote:
>> 3. Trac doesn't manage relationships between tickets: relates to, blocks,
>> depends, duplicates, ... Trac allows you to resolve a ticket as a duplicate,
>> but doesn't let you specify the ticket that it duplicates. In Trac you do
>> that in the comments when you mark the ticket as a duplicate. My migration
>> script doesn't do anything with the relations information at the moment. I'm
>> open to ideas on what to do here.
> Is it possible to read the relationships out of the Redmine data? If
> so maybe the migration script could do a second pass and add the
> appropriate comments -- after it's imported the issues into Trac and
> can map issue numbers from Redmine to Trac, the script could add a
> comment "This ticket is a ${relationship}s of ${ticket_num}s."

I have the redmine relation data available and can totally add a 
comment to the end of the trac ticket. I'm already adding one that has 
a link to the original redmine issue in the Foocorp tracker. So this is 
pretty easy to do and I can add the information to that comment.

This is true of any other information we want to add, too.

>> 4. I haven't migrated any accounts over. So when we make this live:
>>   1. people will create new accounts in Trac
>>   2. let me know and I'll connect your account to tickets, attachments,
>>      and changes
>> If anyone has better ideas on what to do here, I'm all ears.
> Is step 2 above automated-ish for you? I'd hate to make a bunch of
> manual work for you post-migration.

It's not automated, yet, but I plan to write a script to do it. If I 
don't do this, then new accounts won't be associated with existing data 
which I think is a big problem.

> Any reason not to make accounts
> for the email addresses/usernames in Redmine and make people do
> "forgot my password"? This sort of relates to #5 below.

Aha! So the problem I have is that I'm getting the Redmine data with a 
scraper. I don't have access to the usernames, passwords, or email 
addresses. A while back when I was talking to Elrond about this, we 
were thinking that I could solicit account information from people 
before the migration, create the accounts as part of the migration, and 
automatically map everything during the migration. I can do that, but I 
suspect I won't be able to get accounts for everyone and will have to 
write a script to map people post-migration anyhow.

>> 7. Redmine issues text data is formatted in Markdown. Trac uses its own
>> formatting markup. I just left the Redmine stuff as is, but it's ugly.
>> Anyone have ideas on what to do here?
> Does Trac allow HTML in ticket text? (I couldn't find a clear answer
> from briefly browsing the docs.) If so maybe something like pandoc
> ( could help? (I don't know how
> feasible that is, I just always think about it for formatting
> conversion.)

I don't know for sure if supports HTML in comments, but I suspect not.

I was looking at pandoc because it supports Markdown as an input 
language. Pandoc supports the following output formats:

native, json, html, html+lhs, s5, slidy, docbook, opendocument, latex, 
latex+lhs, context, texinfo, man, markdown, markdown+lhs, plain, rst, 
rst+lhs, mediawiki, textile, rtf, org, odt, epub

I was tossing around converting it to plain text. It's possible the 
Trac markup is really close to one of the above output formats and we 
could use that instead. I could spend a bit of time looking into that, 
but if anyone knew offhand, that'd be better. Here's a pared down list 
of possible candidates and formats I know nothing about:

slidy, context, rst, rst+lhs, mediawiki, textile

The Trac formatting help page is here:

Alternatively, if I'm wrong about what Trac supports, that'd be super, 

Can someone volunteer to look at one of these two possibilities in the 
next few days?


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