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Re: [GMG-Devel] MediaGoblin for Android

From: Odin
Subject: Re: [GMG-Devel] MediaGoblin for Android
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 10:13:30 +0100

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Christopher Allan Webber
<address@hidden> wrote:
>> (is it wrong to still want a maemo client?)
> It isn't wrong... I'd love one.  An efficient use of time, maybe not at
> this point, sadly :)

Well. I guess the GMG-interested people actually have a artificially
high usage share of Maemo N900's, and Nokia N9's etc. I guess we'll
all buy ourselves Jolla Mobile devices when they surface as well. ;D
I think I heard that the Samsung+Limo+Intel project Tizen might also
be backwards compatible with Qt.

So actually having something Qt-based would not be a dumb thing. :]

However, I guess much of the integration on phones actually lie in the
picture API's that that phone has. E.g. on N9 you'd do something
similar like the intents-based Android model.

I'm saying this to encourage anyone who's just looking, knows or may
want to learn about Maemo/MeeGo development, and might want to do it.
Heck, I want to do it, -- but it's the age-old question "and
downprioritize which projects?" for which my answer right now is "oh,
can't do that, not enough time". :-)

Beste helsing,
Odin Hørthe Omdal <address@hidden>
English, technical:
Norsk, personleg:

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