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Re: DB migration error

From: Ben Sturmfels
Subject: Re: DB migration error
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2021 21:49:25 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.6.5; emacs 27.2

Hey Lloyd!

On Thu, 09 Sep 2021, Lloyd Kvam wrote:

> I was attempting to update to the latest Mediagoblin (0.11.0). This
> went well except for the sqlite DB migration. The old server was
> running 0.9.0 and appears to have been first setup in Dec of 2015.
> bin/gmg dbupdate runs OK on the old server. It also ran OK on the new
> server with an empty DB file. However, an attempt to update the old
> mediagoblin.db results in:
> alembic.util.exc.CommandError: Can't locate revision identified by
> '38feb829c545'
> Google turns up 5 results for (mediagoblin 38feb829c545), so this is
> not terribly widespread, but I would appreciate any suggestions. I
> realize that I may simply have to compare the revisions manually
> against the old DB.

I believe the issues here is that you had the video plugin enabled on
your original site, with the following in your mediagoblin.ini file:


MediaGoblin is a currently a little unhelpful with regards to disabling
plugins. Due to the way the database migrations work, once you've
enabled a plugin, the system expect it to remain enabled.

If you haven't actually used videos, then you may be able to resolve
this by manually manipulating the "core__migrations" database table, if
that's something you're comfortable with. Take a backup of course.

> Thanks for the work that has made this software so reliable and easy to
> setup.

Thanks! Glad to hear it's been a good experience for you. If you can
hang on a few days, we're about to release 0.12.0 which includes a fix
for a fairly annoying bug for those running a separate celery process.

Send us a link to your site if you're comfortable sharing too!


Ben Sturmfels

Sturm Software Engineering
+61 3 9024 2467

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