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Build refactor and dockerisation of Mediagoblin

From: Olivier Mehani
Subject: Build refactor and dockerisation of Mediagoblin
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2022 12:30:28 +1100

Ahoy there,

I have been working on trying to refactor the build system and better dockerise the Mediagoblin source for a few months, and have something that is _almost_ working [0].

While it's certainly still a WIP, I wanted to lay out my goals here, so we can discuss them, and use them to drive the rest of this work.

# For users

What I want users to be able to do is to just grab a template `docker-compose.yml`, and do a `docker-compose up` to have a ready-to-use, non-lazy, MG instance.

By default, it would store config, DB, and media in an FS volume mounted from the host into the container. Importantly, the container would create all those by default on first run if missing. Another important feature is that the container should migrate the DB whenever needed [e.g., like the Paperless-NG containers 1], so an MG upgrade would simply be a `docker-compose pull; docker-compose down; docker-compose up`.

I'm building the MG image itself to start the lazy-server by default, but the docker-compose should ultimately start two containers from the same image, for paste and celery. It would also start a rabbimq container from upstream images.

At this stage, the single-container docker image seems pretty good, but the docker-compose bit is still not done. That single-container image is probably something we'd want to push to Docker hub every release.

# For developers

On the build side, I tried to move as much of the logic as I could outside of the Makefile, and straight into the Python setup, including deps that historically were provided by the system, such as lxml. This means that MG is a lot more like a normal Python app (which is part of the ultimate goal, maybe even pushing it to PyPI). Unfortunately, due to GStreamer and GObject, I don't think it is entirely feasible to build and run in a stock Python container, so there still is some (in-container) Debian-magic to install those dependencies from the distro.

The idea is also to make the MG image as small as possible, so not shipping builds dependencies (particularly JS ones) seems like a good idea. For those build dependencies (mainly node.js, bower and node_modules), I have a separate build stage which processes the assets, and make them available for Python to package afterwards (this bit works, but it is not thoroughly tested yet).

As Mediagoblin is a GNU project, my understanding is that we are required to have a `./configure` script. While I want to have most of the build out of the Makefile, I think we'll have to keep simple versions of those around. I think it's ok, as it make it easier for people to get going from source. I think they will need to be greatly simplified, though.

Essentially, the configure script should either check that Docker is available (and nothing else, as a default behaviour), or alternatively, check for Python, GStreamer, Bower and other dependencies for a non-Docker build. Ideally, the generated Makefile should just have short calls to either Docker or the Python build (maybe I should make all the asset-building with bower into a Python build step, too).

I'll be pretty happy when I reach a point where all of what's described above is ready. I'm happy to receive comments and/or suggestions on this goal, but will otherwise keep working towards it, module revisions.

# Not addressed

A couple of things that will need to be fixed down the line, but that I don't intend to touch immediately are

* the Git submodules: we should probably have a better way to bring them in, that doesn't depend on Git. For the moment, the bootstrap script is still needed to be run before the configure or any other build steps, Docker or not.

* the plugins: at the moment, I package Python dependencies for all of them within the image (though I have separate `extra` sections in the `setup.cfg` for better modularity, maybe to be supported via the configure script in the future). I'm not sure how to support external/custom plugins, but I think it would make sense to modularise the MG code so it can load plugins from custom locations. A user could then provide their own plugins in the Docker volume along with configuration/DB/media. This is similar to how Home Assistant [2] does it for `custom_components`. I'm not sure how to handle additional Python deps, but I guess they could be installed there in the same way.

So anyway, let me know what you think, and if there is any way to improve on that goal while I work on it.


Olivier Mehani <>
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