I have no objections to reusing the theme for other free software projects.
Glad you liked it. The blue accent color is the Octave color, so you should
adjust that.
- Alex Krolick
On Wed, Jan 31, 2018, 02:11 Kai Torben Ohlhus <address@hidden
<mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
Dear Tom,
Thanks for considering the Octave website design for your software
project as well. Regarding the licensing issue, the website follows
the convention of the Free Software Foundation [1], where all pages
are licensed under the CC BY-ND. See at the bottom of each page for
an explanation.
To my understanding the licence refers to the content of the page
and the Octave website design, mostly the connection to existing
free/libre CSS- and JS-frameworks, is published under the terms of
the GPLv3 [2]. Alex, the original author of the new website design
did not use special license for his original work [3]. Maybe a
separate LICENSE file in the current working repository [4] would
state this intention clearer.
Thus if neither Alex nor John protest, you should feel free to make
use of Alex's work to improve your website.
Best regards,
[1] https://www.fsf.org
[2] https://hg.octave.org/web-octave/file/tip/license.md
[3] https://github.com/alexkrolick/octave-web
[4] https://hg.octave.org/web-octave/
On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 1:32 AM Tom Henderson
<address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
Hello, my name is Tom Henderson and I am lead maintainer of the
ns-3 simulator project (https://www.nsnam.org), also a GPL
project. We would like to replace our Wordpress site with
something more modern and mobile-responsive, and in looking
around at other scientific computing projects, the site theme
for Octave resonated with us.
I noticed that the Octave web sources are maintained online with
at CC-SA No-Derivatives license and was wondering whether the
license pertained to site content and underlying theme or just
the content? I would conservatively assume both, but just
thought I'd ask whether you would be willing to consider letting
the ns-3 project somehow reuse the theme, as it would save me
some work from generating a similar one.
If Octave obtained the theme from some other source that we
could fork from, that would also be of possible interest to us.