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Re: macos SIP and make check

From: Sebastian Schöps
Subject: Re: macos SIP and make check
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 01:17:36 -0700 (MST)

Carlo de Falco-2 wrote
> Apart from preventing even the root user from writing into some system
> As I have some libraries installed outside standard paths (namely
> sundials)

I have no issues with homebrew and non-standard paths, it even works for the
Octave.app ("/Application/..."). Not sure why it fails for you. Standard
homebrew installs its files into "/usr/local/opt/". Cou could try to put
your stuff there? (You do not use homebrew and macports is not using this
directory as far as I recall).

Or you move to homebrew altogether... you find Ben's configure script (file
#42932) at https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?49053. I maintain a
homebrew-formula for the outdated sundials27.


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