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Re: [Pan-users] pan, gtkspell, and specifying your language

From: DevilKin
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] pan, gtkspell, and specifying your language
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 07:34:44 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.4.1

On Friday 02 August 2002 07:24, Evan Martin wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am the author GtkSpell.  GtkSpell 2 isn't very popular (I just wrote
> it recently!) so I figure the Pan users are the people I should ask
> about features.  :)

Aha. Neato!

> I'm working on GtkSpell 2.0.1 which should drop-in in place of GtkSpell
> 2.0.0.  (I plan to eventually make a GtkSpell 2.1 which will break
> backward compatibility but work a bit more cleanly, but that will happen
>   sometime in the future.)
> I've had a few requests for supporting alternate languages (such as this
> one:
>   ) and I was wondering how foreign-language users actually specify
> their language.

It depends on the application normally - I've seen apps that trigger it 
through environment variables, which is nice but quite not-useful since you 
can't change it 'on the fly'.

The easiest IMHO would be to have the parent application supply a parameter 
which defines the language. Unfortunately, this would require feedback from 
gtkspell into (in this case) Pan to tell it what languages ARE available as a 

At any rate, congratulations on the nice work on gtkspell!

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        Never ever ask the tough looking gentleman wearing El Rukn
headgear where he got his "pyramid powered pizza warmer".
                -- Chicago Reader 3/27/81

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